I upgraded a canister and no errors, but I checked it on ic.rocks and tried to access it, it’s not updated. I am not sure which step I did wrong?
dfx build
dfx canister install --mode upgrade
I upgraded a canister and no errors, but I checked it on ic.rocks and tried to access it, it’s not updated. I am not sure which step I did wrong?
dfx build
dfx canister install --mode upgrade
You’ll need to include both the canister name and the --network ic
flag to deploy to the mainnet, so
dfx canister --network ic install my_canister --mode upgrade
You can also try calling your canister’s public methods using dfx right after deploying
dfx canister --network ic call <canister_name> <method_name> [argument]
dfx canister --network ic call my_canister getValue
(More on the canister call command can be found here:
https://sdk.dfinity.org/docs/developers-guide/cli-reference/dfx-canister.html#_dfx_canister_call )
thank you! yes, I need --network for on-chain upgrade