Motoko Welcome to the Motoko category! This is the perfect place for all discussions related to the Motoko programming language, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer. Here, you can ask questions, share your knowledge, suggest frameworks, and connect with others who are interested in Motoko. We encourage respectful and constructive conversations, and we look forward to hearing from you! Rust This is a topic to help people tag and identify discussions about Rust development. Between the Rust Canister Development Kit, the Rust agent, or general Rust-related questions Programs & Applications Ready to start building software with superpowers? This channel is dedicated to discussions around developing programs and applications using actor and canister-based models. Community Tutorials & Video Have you already downloaded the DFINITY Canister SDK? Take some time to share your tips, tutorials, experiences and applications with the other Internet Computer enthusiast. Education Welcome to the Internet Computer Education channel! Getting Started Welcome to the alpha release of the DFINITY Software Development Kit that provides tools, sample code, and documentation to help you create programs to run on a locally-deployed Internet Computer client node. Subsequent releases will have additional features. Command Line Tools The DFINITY command-line execution environment (dfx) is the primary tool for creating, deploying, and managing the applications you develop for the Internet Computer platform. Language Support Welcome to the official Language Support Discourse channel! CDK This category is intended to aggregate posts, questions, and discussion of Canister Development Kits for the Internet Computer Bounties & RFPs JavaScript This is a topic to help people tag and identify discussions about JavaScript and TypeScript development. Feel free to discuss general JS/TS development questions, or topics specific to the Internet Computer JavaScript agent.