I’m new to ICP and have been going through a lot of the docs to try and wrap my head around the different types of canisters, and how they function. I’ve hit a bit of a stumbling block and am hopeful someone can clarify some stuff for me.
When I first discovered ICP, I created an Internet Identity using the web interface at http://identity.ic0.app, and that seemed simple enough. I was also able to use https://nns.ic0.app to stake some neurons, create a canister, and put cycles into that canister using the UI.
Then I moved on to the dev docs and was able to deploy a local app no problem. Now, even though I haven’t done it, I’m sure I could follow the docs and deploy a new dapp straight from the command line without a problem. Where I’m confused is, what is the canister located in the nns.ic0.app used for? Is it ONLY a cycles wallet canister?
I was thinking I should be able to deploy a dapp to that canister and use the cycles in it, but I can’t find anywhere in the docs that says I can do that. I added the principle ID from my local machine as a controller for it, but I don’t know how to designate that canister as the one I want to control from the command line and deploy to it? Is that even possible? If it’s not possible, is the main purpose of having the canister in that UI so people can top up their cycles easily? Do I need to link my dapp to it in some other way? Thanks in advance for any guidance/understanding you can give.