Charged up my NNS canister with cycles and Added Controller with my local principal.
Deploy works fine.
I noticed my canister cycles did not reduce but the status is Running and the storage is at 1.75MB.
The URL at is a 404 from Nginx and the .io is a DNS error.
I’m a bit confused as it looks like something was been deployed, at least according to storage, but the startup cycles were not deducted–unless I’m misunderstanding and they were used during canister creation via NNS.
Maybe I have the URL format wrong. Any tips would be happily appreciated.
This tutorial is not up-to-date. Canisters are newly created on another domain name, respectively Your hello world is therefore available at following address:
How about that.
Happy to say Hello, world to the ICP!
Also another gotcha I found is that removing the default controller from an NNS canister (after adding another) renders the canister useless. 3 ICP live and learn.
Understood. It wasn’t the last controller. I removed the default controller that was attached when I created the canister. It still has the principal I added. Still unaccessible.
As you created the canister in NNS dapp, I am assuming that the “detault controller” is actually your NNS dapp principal (1). This principal can be found in the “Settings” page of the dapp:
Now, I am also assuming that with the “principal you added” you mean your local principal (2), the one used by dfx.
Therefore, to gain control within the dapp again, what you would need to do is adding back the dapp principal (1) by running a dfx command on your machine with your principal (2).
I do not know well dfx but, I think the command line should be something like:
dfx canister --network ic update-settings --add-controller <dapp_principal_1> <canister_id>
<dapp_principal_1> with the principal you find in NNS dapp
<canister_id> by your canister id
Again, assumptions and no dfx expert but, might do.