Staking problems within NNS app

I want to stake also some icp. How many should i start with? How do I transfer my icp from binance to nns?

I staked small amount of icps successfully by way of Neurons >Stake Neuron>(I’ve seen “Set Dissolve Delay”)>Confirm Dissolve Delay Increase + Yes I’m sure. I done with this way.

But in this tutorial video of DFINITY Foundation’s official Twitter account: (Starting at 4:20) Showing us by way of ICP section>New Transaction>Stake. with this way of staking I couldn’t see “Set Dissolve Delay” section and likely 10 mins later page crushed and i lost all of my icps.

I wrote this message just for to inform you about me and same experienced users situation. Thanks for your interest.

@diegop @kpeacock

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if you already create identity then login into nss web app and on first page/tab named “ICP” you will see your main account address, probably saying 0.00 ICP, this is your address to which you need to send funds.

Yeah mine still doesn’t show that I staked on the neuron page.

new update:

Support teams are continuing to work on restoring tokens for previously affected users. No user action is required.


I wonder if we have any further update here, besides what’s on the IC status page? I’d love to start staking, but obviously want to make sure everything is working as intended.

Recently and affected user here. Did not know these issues were going on until after finding that there were issues. Hopefully this solve the issue for all newly attempted stakes, not just “previously” affected users

Hello. Just wanted to share that I successfully staked ICP in a neuron. I did this using Chrome on my MacBook. Only noticeable issue was that my follower selections did not always register after being submitted. I eventually got it all set up though. I hope this gives you a little more confidence in the system.

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Oh that’s great - congrats, and thanks for sharing. Definitely gives confidence - I’ll be attempting this myself soon too.

i miss my ICP , any update dev team?

Update - Support teams are continuing to work on restoring tokens for previously affected users. No user action is required.
May 18, 23:59 UTC

There is another update, not exactly related to our issue:
Safari users can be locked out of their Internet Identity
Incident status: Identified
Support teams have identified the issue and are investigating possible solutions. We’re advising users to set up multiple devices while we fine a more permanent solution.
My “staking problem” happened with an iPhone (and Safari), was it similar in your case? In order to use a different device next time…

Safari on iPhone here as well

They solved. check your nns account. i saw my icps now. you can disburse your icps too!

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It has been solved in my case as well

Fixed for me as well🙏🏻

I got the text that says that it’s been fixed, but nothing has changed for me.

Try to check with another device, iOS/Safari is not the best way to manage the neuron.

On safari (iPhone12 pro) a big grey box appears under neurons, you can click on the grey box and it will load and show your Neuron id unlocked. It gives me two options increase dissolve delay or disburse.

Can I re lock my neurons by increasing dissolve delay?

How do I add more ICP to my current neuron ID? We really need some decent instructions on this.

Or should i disburse my current stake back to my walled and restake?

Looks like my neurons are showing correctly now so no more grey boxes :slight_smile:

My ICP tokens are displayed in the wallet staking like this. Is it normal?

That’s just the UI showing the figures on top of each other. It doesn’t affect your tokens in any way.

If your browser lets you zoom out they should display more clearly, or you could turn your device to landscape mode.