Problem increasing stake within NNS (Refresh stake)

Hello there,

Let me first congratulate all of you for the great work you’ve been doing. A big thank you from the bottom of my heart.

As for the problem I’m having,

When I made a transaction to the neuron address to increase my stake (refresh stake) the transaction went through but my stake wasn’t updated and remains the same.

When I check through the dashboard the address shows the correct amount.

But within NNS the staked amount is still the original amount.

Should I wait for it to update? Did I lose my funds?



Your problem is likely the same one that me and others are facing (see this thread: Staking problems within NNS app). In that case, dfinity devs have made the following announcement:

A few users have reported issues when trying to stake neurons.

IMPORTANT: No funds are lost as all transactions are immutably recorded in the ledger!

We understand the problem and we are working on a mitigation. All users who have attempted to stake neurons will either have the transaction reimbursed or their neuron staked.

No further action is required on your part. The issue will be resolved within the next few days.


Hello. I deposited ICP into my nns account and then in the Neurons tabs i attempted to stake. The screen hung and after a refresh when i look into the account, the balance is now zero and in the Neurons account it also doesnt show any balances. Kindly advise

I’m having the same issue

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I have same issue, cannot see my ICPs when tried to stake them, do you know issue will be resolved?

I have the same problem? So we do not have to do anything it will be refunded ?

Has anyone solved this problem?

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I had the same thing just happen to me right now, and opened a support ticket. Is there anything else need to be done or will it get fixed automatically.

what is the ICP Stake wallet address

They are working on it.

We’re off to a bad start. :neutral_face:

Same thing happened to me: 'Part 2 Failed. Click here to try again, ’

Is there anything I need to do? Or will the ICPs be refunded automatically. (Since it is not working, I would warn the rest of the community from staking, so more people don’t fall into this trap.)

Every transaction is recorded so no funds will be lost.

At this point there is nothing to do but wait.

Hi. I’m trying to understand your statement that you were trying to “increase stake within NNS (refresh stake)”. Are you saying that we should be able to increase the amount of ICP in a neuron by sending ICP to its address? If so, do you have a doc reference that talks about this?

I ask because I’m currently waiting for my deposits to clear with Coinbase in order to transfer ICP to my NNS wallet. I have some already transferred and want to get started voting but I’m not sure if it’s worthwhile to wait and have a larger stake in the neuron. If I can increase the stake after creating the neuron that would make my decision easier.


Under “refresh stake”

“The stake of a neuron may be increased by transferring to its address/account in the ledger and notifying the governance canister of the incoming transfer. Refreshing the stake will change the maturity and age of the neuron prorated. For example, if the stake is doubled, the maturity and age will be halved, so spawning will yield the same amount and the age bonus will be the same as before (in absolute terms).”


Wow I totally missed that, thank you!

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Having this exact issue - iOS, Safari

Please let me know if I need to DM any information. Thanks!

How do you “refresh stake” with the NNS app? I haven’t been able to figure out how to perform that activity? I want to add more ICP to an existing neuron. Thanks!


I’ve noticed my previous stake increase now shows the correct amount.

Edit: SOLVED. You can increase your stake by sending it to its address. It updates the stake after 2-5 minutes


They did solve it. :sweat_smile:

In above picture, I only know the principal id is “ckxlq-…”
Where can I see the address of the neuron, so I can transfer some ICP to increase the staked ICP in neuron.

then I have read some information that transfer some ICP to neuron’s address, I have to do some other work to make refreshing stake done?