Hello all,
I am reaching out with a few questions with the SDK and running DFX on my command line.
I recently, did a full un-install of the sdk and then did a full re-install of the sdk with the updates. I did this when the other option to do a clean uninstall and reinstall command did not work. Now, when I run the prompt
dfx start I get the following response
Running dfx start for version 0.12.1
Using the default definition for the ‘local’ shared network because /Users/REMOVED USER NAME/.config/dfx/networks.json does not exist.
**Dashboard: **
*Please note I removed the user name and replaced it with REMOVED USER NAME that is all that is different than my actual terminal screen.
Then after doing the re-install and getting this message, I was still able to complete and run the “hello world” d-app. However, now when trying to re-open the project and opening it in the browser I am un-able to do so. I do have the Hello project saved to my laptops ssd directly however, when trying to re-launch the same sample app it requires me to delete the project from my ssd completely, remove it from the trash bin, and start over completely. I have to do this every time when trying to re-open the sample dapp
Is there any patient devs willing to help me walk through what is going on?
I am trying to re-open the hello app without the process described above, then I am trying to fix the dfx on my command line so I can move up to the calculator sample project, and I stumped here.
Let me know your thoughts,