I am looking to make the same commitment to ICP that I made to Java in the early days and later, The Web.
I know onboarding will get better.
My first mistake was trying to get started with Windows System for Linux. It’s not soup yet.
Then I got Hyper-V installed and a stable installation of Ubuntu. I like Windows. It’s stable. I don’t run Windows as my daily machine. So, sue me.
Everything was smooth after I realized, I was not going to get ANYWHERE until I figured it out …
If I want the latest version installed, I have to specify that …
DFX_VERSION=0.7.0 sh -ci “$(curl -fsSL https://sdk.dfinity.org/install.sh)”
I didn’t want version 0.6.26 and it didn’t work under Ubuntu 18.XX anyway.
That took some time to figure out … now I’m on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and everything is sweet. A beginner would NOT be able to figure that out.
And then the last hurdle, what Canister ID do I need to run the project from the browser.
$ dfx canister call hello greet Galaxy
works from the command line, but what canister ID do I need so that it will work from the browser??? … Ohhhhh…
dfx canister id hello_assets
Everyone knows that … RTFM …
Ok. now, I’m dangerous. I can build a local app … next …
Rule the Galaxy !! Greetings, Galaxy !!