Thanks, @louisevelayo and @ZackDS, for flagging this. It seems there was an issue with the file type. I’ve uploaded the documents in jpeg format, and hopefully, this resolves the problem. Once the files and updated links are approved by @katiep, the links should work for everyone. Appreciate everyone’s patience—thanks!
Hey the documents were there and perfectly fine as pdf’s as you can see I provided link here, the issue was with the links in your wiki page that you linked in the summary. One can check the list of uploaded files and manually find the ones needed if they exist.
Hope this makes sense and helps in the future.
Now using the same link from the proposal summary with the somewhat hacky updated “pdf.jpeg” linked to the correct files gets the job done. But unfortunately only for the first file.
When you uploaded the second time the Jpeg is different from the first and the hash should match that one !
So you need one more change
*Updated my post and voted to adopt. But @162DC you need to fix the link of the second document to match the hash.
Node Provider (NP) ID: I check to verify that the NP ID (node_provider_principal_id) matches what is stated in the proposa: node_provider_principal_id"6nbcy-kprg6-ax3db-kh3cz-7jllk-oceyh-jznhs-riguq-fvk6z-6tsds-rqe" matches Principal ID on the dashboard
Node Operator (NO) ID: I verify the NO ID with any node from SG1 on the dashboard which shows the NO ID.
And IC Admin confirms the NO ID belongs to SG1 and OneSixtyTwo Digital Capital.
Sidenote: Although target topology is currently reached, the proposal involves adding 28 nodes, but the proposer has clarified in their wiki statement that this expansion is part of a post-48 months transition for Gen1 Node Providers.
These nodes are Gen-1 (see above: “type1”: 28), which is consistent with motion proposal 132553.
Based on these verifications behind the node transition, I vote to ADOPT this proposal.
Feedback for @162DC:
Thanks @ZackDS for sharing the direct file links and @162DC to update their wiki links to point directly to the verifiable files.
While we are still preparing the handover of our excess nodes, we can already inform that we plan to continue with data centers “ZH6” and “ZH7”.” ZH5” will be handed over to a new NP.
The node provider ID and data centre ID given in the proposal match the information for data centre SG1 in the dashboard. The document hashes given in the Wiki match the documents once the correct link to Onesixtytwodc_coi.pdf is followed. (@162DC For additional certainty I would recommend including the document hashes in the proposal as well.) The addition of the new node operator ID is consistent with the processes outlined in the current thread for reconfiguring existing Gen-1 nodes under the new remuneration structure.
The link in the wiki page should now be correct. Following each document link and downloading the original file will now provide you with the files that match the hashes. The hashes have remained unchanged, as can be seen from the edit history.
The proposal for SG2 (Proposal 134483) was submitted before seeing @timk11’s suggestions. The proposal was based on the templates given on the wiki for the steps for post-48 months remuneration ([Steps for Gen-1 Node onboarding after 48 months - Internet Computer Wiki]) which does not include the document hashes, I assume as those would have been included in the proposals for the original Node Provider and Node Operator records. However, I can include those in future proposals if the community would find it helpful.
The NP provided in the proposal matches the one controlling the nodes in DC sg1.
The document hashes provided in the wiki match: .
The proposal and forum post follows the requirements for onborading Gen-1 nodes after 58 months
This proposal is to adopt the addition of 28 Gen-1 nodes under the new remuneration structure. The verification checks confirm consistency with the data provided and existing processes for reconfiguring Gen-1 nodes.
Node Provider (NP) ID: Verified on The NP ID (6nbcy-kprg6-ax3db-kh3cz-7jllk-oceyh-jznhs-riguq-fvk6z-6tsds-rqe) matches the Principal ID provided in the proposal.
Node Operator (NO) ID: Confirmed to belong to SG1 using the dashboard. IC Admin corroborates the association of the NO ID with SG1 and OneSixtyTwo Digital Capital.
Documentation Verification: The document hashes listed in the wiki match the documents linked above.
Topology and Node Addition: Although the target topology is currently achieved, the addition of 28 nodes is clarified in the proposer’s wiki statement as part of the post-48-month Gen-1 Node Provider transition. The nodes are identified as Gen-1 (type1: 28), aligning with motion proposal #132553.
The node provider ID and data centre ID given in the proposal match the information for data centre SG2 in the dashboard. The document hashes given in the Wiki now match the documents. The addition of the new node operator ID is consistent with the processes outlined in the current thread for reconfiguring existing Gen-1 nodes under the new remuneration structure. The nodes for this NP in data centres SG1 and SG2 total 42, consistent with the agreed maximum and the statement of intent here.
Though this proposal appears to add 14 nodes, the proposer clarified that this is necessary for migrating to the HSM-less deployment method. They also committed to deprecating the old record once the nodes in this data center have been onboarded, keeping this aligned with the IC target topology.
The DC ID in the proposal matches what is displayed on the dashboard.
This data center also hosts nodes for the node provider OneSixtyTwo Digital Capital, with the node provider ID 6nbcy-kprg6-ax3db-kh3cz-7jllk-oceyh-jznhs-riguq-fvk6z-6tsds-rqe.
The previous Node Operator ID (qffmn-uqkl2-uuw6l-jo5i6-obdek-tix6f-u4odv-j3265-pcpcn-jy5le-lae) associated with this data center (as seen on the IC Dashboard) shows 14 nodes, matching the allowance proposed here.
Though this proposal appears to add 28 nodes, the proposer clarified that this is necessary for migrating the 28 nodes in SG3 from the old Node Provider (162 Digital Capital) to the new Node Provider (Protocol 16).
The old Node Operator record confirms the amount of nodes to be transferred is 28 (even though 27 are on the dashboard - I assume one is being fixed), and that these are indeed Gen-1 nodes, as indicated by the type1: 28
@162DC Please make sure to remove your node operator record for this DC before @Protocol16/Philip Hur submits the proposal to add the rewardable nodes to their Node Operator record. This is because, as long as the old NO record is still there, I do not think @Protocol16 can add the 28 rewardable nodes.
This proposal seeks to add 14 nodes to a data center as part of a migration to an HSM-less deployment method. The proposer clarified that the old record would be deprecated once the new nodes are onboarded, maintaining alignment with the IC’s target topology.
Key Points:
DC ID Matches: The Data Center ID in the proposal matches the IC Dashboard records.
Node Provider and Operator: This data center hosts nodes for Node Provider OneSixtyTwo Digital Capital (6nbcy-kprg6-ax3db-kh3cz-7jllk-oceyh-jznhs-riguq-fvk6z-6tsds-rqe). The Node Operator ID (qffmn-uqkl2-uuw6l-jo5i6-obdek-tix6f-u4odv-j3265-pcpcn-jy5le-lae) verifies that this DC already hosts 14 nodes, consistent with the proposal.
Node Classification: The 14 nodes are confirmed as Gen-1 nodes (“type1”: 14), qualifying them under motion proposal 132553 for remuneration adjustments after 48 months.
Conclusion: The proposal is well-justified, with adherence to governance and topology guidelines.
This proposal involves transferring 28 nodes in SG3 from Node Provider 162 Digital Capital to Protocol 16, as part of a reallocation effort. The proposer has provided sufficient documentation and verifications, ensuring a secure and transparent handover process.
Key Points:
Handover Details: The transfer from the old Node Provider (162 Digital Capital) is intended to streamline operations. SG1 and SG2 will remain under the old NP, while SG3 moves to Protocol 16.
DC ID Alignment: The DC ID matches the information provided in earlier communications, validating the transition plan.
Hash Verification: The hash of the handover document matches the hash provided in the proposal, confirming document integrity.
Node Confirmation: The old Node Operator record indicates 28 nodes to be transferred. All nodes are classified as Gen-1 ("type1": 28).
Conclusion: The transfer process is well-documented and supports broader ecosystem goals, making this proposal suitable for adoption.
This proposal follows a previous proposal made by the same Node Provider OneSixtyTwo Digital Capital where it was created a new Node Operator that controlls 28 nodes in DC sg1. This means that in order to comply with the Steps for Gen-1 Node onboarding after 48 months which states that Gen-1 Node Providers must have 42 or less nodes leaving 14 nodes for this NP to be added which checks with the proposal.
There was also a forum post made further complying with the requirements stated, the hashes match the documents in the wiki.
The DC sg2 in the proposal has exactly 14 nodes all controlled by the NP which matches the proposal.
The proposal meets the requirements, and the summary is self explainatory and in line with prior discussions as actions needed to redeploy without HSM.
Data Center ID SG2 as well as NO and NP from the payload is a match as are the 14 Gen-1 nodes “type1”: 14.