Periodic Neuron Followee Confirmation - asking for clarification

After getting inspiration from Dom’s recent post on tokenomics, I wanted to follow up on the proposal for Periodic Confirmation of Neuron Followees that passed over two years ago (Proposal: 55651 - ICP Dashboard) with yes votes from Dfinity and ICA. It shows as Executed on the dashboard, but it hasn’t been implemented yet to my knowledge.


If this was Executed, why hasn’t it been implemented? Once a proposal passes, shouldn’t there no longer be a debate about it? I understand the Dfinity Foundation has to prioritize what to build next, but this seems like they’re exercising control over the network and willingly choosing not to implement. Once a proposal is executed, isn’t it the duty of the Foundation to implement? This is an honest question, please let me know if I misunderstood the purpose of the NNS.

This proposal strikes me as uncontroversial. Other networks I participate in require active participation as well. In the case of DOT, for example, you must check to see that your validators are still online and functioning, or else you can miss out on staking rewards.


It’s also possible people are sick of talking about this at this point, but I’m personally surprised by how this was just ignored given it’s the will of the people behind the NNS.