Happy Friday ICPeople! Today, a very exciting proposal just went live (134771), so let’s get to it. As always, please consider voting.
Upgrade frontend NNS Dapp canister to commit 47eccace32d19baaf56d51304100f08a797e82a4
Wasm sha256 hash: 4a2fc0f21c94a8beb7d6232881147090c3e2c52a33b10bfd8f8eacf060ecc91e
- Periodic confirmation warnings in the NNS dapp
- New section to confirm neuron following
- Reporting to allow for TX date ranges
- $ Values in Neuron Staking
- Fixed QR code issue on Coinbase ICP TXs
Periodic confirmation
The main idea of periodic confirmation of following is that in order to get rewards, governance participants have to remain active voters and regularly confirm their following settings. Neurons who set following once or were created with default following and never interact with the NNS again get lower, adjusted voting rewards. To find more information about the feature and community discussions around it, please see this blog post, the forum discussion about its high level design, and the adopted motion proposal.
How this affects you
To keep voting power of your neurons and thus to keep getting voting rewards, you are required to take at least one of the following three actions once every 6 months for each of your neurons:
- Vote directly
- Set following
- Confirm the current following settings
In particular, according to how the feature initialized the neurons’ settings, all users must take one of the above actions before March 2025 to avoid missing voting rewards.
If this proposal is adopted and you have neurons that have not been active, you will see a warning to confirm following on them. In the example below, a user had voted with all their neurons on the 5th of August, 2024 and not taken any action since.
By clicking “Confirm Following”, you will be prompted to review your following, and confirm if you are still happy with your voting delegation. If you wish to change following on any of your neurons, you can click the neuron and edit following on the neuron details page.
You will also see a new field on the neuron details page for single neurons that shows the time remaining before your neuron becomes inactive. You can confirm following anytime, and as often as you wish. Please review your following before confirming to ensure you agree with your prior decisions. Note, that in order to follow on all topics, you need to set up following for the following three topics:
- All Except Governance, and SNS & Neurons’ Fund
- Governance
- SNS & Neurons’ Fund
Otherwise, you need to vote manually on certain topics in order to receive all voting rewards. You can always choose to vote manually on all proposals.
Note that you can also vote manually with all of your neurons, or edit following. Both actions will reset the activity timer.
$ Values in Neuron Staking
Late last year, USD values were added for tokens. Now, they are coming to the neurons table. If adopted, the NNS dapp will show fiat values of the stake of your neurons using ICPSwap’s public exchange rate API.
Reporting improvements
The NNS dapp currently allows users to export a CSV snapshot of their ICP token balances, and a list of ICP transactions, including spawned neurons with minting transactions. If this proposal is adopted you will be able to pick one of three date ranges for these transactions.
Coinbase QR code
You can send ICP to a Coinbase account using either account ID shown, or by scanning a QR code using an NNS dapp feature that allows the scanning of recipient ICP addresses. The QR code shown by Coinbase includes a prefix, which resulted in an error in the NNS dapp.
If this proposal is adopted, ICP TXs sent to Coinbase should also work using the QR code.
Change Log
This is a repeat from before. Adding it for transparency, as this is the change log stated in the proposal description.
- Reporting: Full period filter, year-to-date, and last year
- Show USD values of neuron stakes.
- Periodic confirmation warnings in the NNS dapp for inactive neurons.
- New section in neuron details to confirm following.
- Allow
token prefix in QR code for ICP payment.
- Remove hardcoding of “DFINITY Foundation” and “Internet Computer Association” in the displayed list of known neurons.
Wasm Verification
To build the wasm module yourself and verify its hash, run the following commands from the root of the nns-dapp repo:
git fetch # to ensure you have the latest changes.
git checkout "47eccace32d19baaf56d51304100f08a797e82a4"
git merge-base --is-ancestor HEAD origin/main && echo "OK" || echo "Commit is not on main branch!"
sha256sum nns-dapp.wasm.gz
You may also want to verify the canister arguments. In the proposal they are
binary, which is not very readable. Docker provides both binary and text formats
and you can verify that the text format corresponds to the binary arg_hex
field in the proposal.
cat nns-dapp-arg-mainnet.did
didc encode "$(cat nns-dapp-arg-mainnet.did)" | xxd -r -p | sha256sum