Lost my icp & ckBTC tokens in nns

Hello Everyone :–)

I hv lost my tokens in NNS. there were 150 icp tokens & over 0.03 ckbtc.

after login with my internet identity in nns (https://nns.ic0.app/), the error message says:-

An error occurred while loading the accounts. Call failed: Canister: emww2-4yaaa-aaaaq-aacbq-cai Method: icrc1_balance_of (query) “Status”: “rejected” “Code”: “SysTransient” “Message”: “IC0207: Canister emww2-4yaaa-aaaaq-aacbq-cai is unable to process query calls because it’s frozen. Please top up the canister with cycles and try again.”

Please help :–)

Hey, dont worry it will get fixed soon. Some SNS project ledger canister is freezed due to low cycle balance due to which nns frontend is getting stuck. As soon as this will be noticed by project team, your issue will get resolved. Your tokens are in place.

Correct. It’s the Trax ledger canister (emww2-4yaaa-aaaaq-aacbq-cai) which ran out of cycles.


I had a similar issue last night. I transferred $50 in ICL to the NNs wallet. I cannot find it on the records but I watched it disappear and only had the right address in the iPhone clip board which only holds one copy to paste at a time.

In my NNS wallet there was a persistent message seeming to say that cycles ran out. I messaged ICPSwap on x, but no reply yet.

I keep my larger ICP stash in a cold wallet since I’ve already lost enough money in crypto . It is not clear to me if these images below will be visible when I hit send.