Failed transaction on ICPSWAP again!! Lost original ICP and nothing in claim section??
Hi M,
I checked, and it seems you encountered this error:
“IC0207: Canister hhaaz-2aaaa-aaaaq-aacla-cai is out of cycles.”
The canister hhaaz-2aaaa-aaaaq-aacla-cai, which is the ICL (SNS) token Ledger Canister, is out of cycles. This caused your tokens to get stuck in the pool without successfully being withdrawn (as any token interaction requires cycles).
We are currently waiting for the ICLighthouse team to recharge the cycles for canister hhaaz-2aaaa-aaaaq-aacla-cai. Once that’s done, we’ll process it, and you’ll be able to withdraw the tokens from your pool balance to your wallet.
Thank you for your patience!
@mrmwr85 Hi M,The ICLighthouse team has recharged the cycles, and we’ve processed the issue through a proposal. You’ll be able to find your tokens in the pool balance and withdraw them to your wallet.