Looking for funding!

Just saw the video where Olaf Carlson-Wee was talking about startups and internet-only businesses, just wanted to tell him, or anybody else - over here, there’s this little site called Nanighar ( Nanighar ), which is basically Food Cooked By Housewives (as opposed to restaurants). This wouldn’t have been possible without the Internet (though not Dfinity)! The website is in an absolutely DERELICT state - they could do with a redesign, and I’m sure they’d love some FUNDING! :slight_smile: Any VC/bizguy out there wanna pick it up? :slight_smile:

When you do it, make sure they take cryptocurrency to pay for the food, will ya? :slight_smile:


I am interested in information on refrigerators that are the best for food storage and come with a reasonable price.

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And what is a reasonable price by your opinion?