Introducing tribalmarket: A Community-Oriented, Fully Decentralized NFT Marketplace on the Internet Computer

Hello everyone,

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the testing campaign of tribalmarket, a fully decentralized NFT marketplace on the Internet Computer, built by the community, for the community.

Our Canister Principal: vfqk6-raaaa-aaaag-acdfq-cai

Why tribalmarket?

The current marketplaces are not fully decentralised and not sufficiently community-oriented :

  • Many of their technical components are not fully on chain, but hosted on centralised infrastructures
  • Fee mechanisms are hardcoded: all marketplaces embed their fees wallets in the collection canister code, which explains why they either implement a custodian wrapping mechanism to generate fees, or they do not integrate collections created by other marketplaces altogether. In principle, the collections should be open to all, including marketplace projects and front-end contributors, which is the very premise of decentralisation: to allow everyone to build upon collections in an open market. An example of a great community member who built free and open access rarity tools and aggregated collections payment system without generating profit was the creator of dgdg.
  • Most of the collections do not have approve-transfer-from pattern (a way for an account owner to delegate NFT transfers to a third party on the owner’s behalf) popular in the ethereum ecosystem that enables new application capabilities.
  • Community feedbacks are not taken seriously at best and not taken into account at worst.
  • Community members are not rewarded like their counterparts on other blockchain ecosystems’ marketplaces.

All the aforementioned reasons drove me to create a fully-decentralised, truly community-centered NFT marketplace with more capabilities and features than any existing marketplace on the Internet Computer.

Our Solution: A Fully Decentralized, Community-Centric Marketplace

tribalmarket offers the following:

  1. 99% of all the NFTs on the IC are supported.
  2. Front-end contributors get a percentage of marketplace fees
  3. Offers can be made without sending ICP to a third-party custodian wallet thanks to the ICRC-2 standard.
  4. Bundle sales are available.
  5. When listing their NFTs, sellers have the option to either sell immediately or confirm the sale once a buyer is found.
  6. After the SNS sale, the community will have full control over the marketplace and all the dealings on it, including adding/removing collections, adding/removing front-end contributors, determining marketplace fee percentages, etc.

Get Involved: Join Our Testing Campaign

We’re inviting the community to a month-long testing campaign. Your feedback will be vital to refining tribalmarket, with airdrops awarded to participants who contribute through testing, bug reports, and suggestions.

N.B: The frontend I developed ( ) - designed mainly for refining the marketplace and for the testing compaign - serves as a practical example for frontend contributors of how to integrate with tribalmarket.

Connect with Us

Getting Started is Easy:

  1. Connect your Plug wallet.
  2. Claim FICP (Faucet ICP: a token created for the testing campaign) from your profile.
  3. Update your offer budget to be able to make offers.
  4. Explore and enjoy tribalmarket!

We’re setting the stage for an unprecedented era of NFT trading on the Internet Computer. Be part of this journey to build the ultimate NFT marketplace together!