June 4, 2021, 2:41pm
Hey Everybody,
We are looking into making some short tutorial videos for developers. These could contain topics like setting up the SDK, specific Motoko or Rust tutorials, or interacting with main net from the command line. We would love to get your input about what kind of videos you would like to see.
Motoko basics
How to create own data structures (in Motoko)
How to manage state in canisters
Overview of libraries/services available for IC (growing)
How do cycles work (explaining the reversed gas model)
Domain / Hostname management
June 5, 2021, 12:39pm
Intro on NNS - explaining the difference between account and principal
(and maybe how to use the NNS account through the command line tools SDK)
this has some nice questions
Can you do a video tutorial on managing neurons from the command line? Here are my questions on that topic
Are there any instructions for how to transfer ICP to different address after they’ve been dissolved and disbursed from a neuron? Can you type the example command for doing this?
How do you view how many ICP are in a neuron? Can you type the example command for checking this?
How do I query my total voting power for a neuron and for my identity? After taking into account various age and locking bonus?
How do you check the amount of ICP in your identity address? Can you type the example comman…
Some of those are answered here
Re-do of the Network Deployment part under Quick Start → Explain ledger, identity, account, principal, wallet canister in a “clearer” way.