Coding with Kyle - IC Avatar

Hi all, I’ve started a video series for the Dfinity Foundation, working through how to go from nothing to building a full-stack application in Motoko. Episode 1 covers getting started with a development environment, and in the coming weeks, I’ll walk through CRUD functionality, Auth, Upgrades and more. I hope this series becomes a helpful resource!

I’ll post subsequent videos to this thread to prevent things from getting spammy.


Amazing, Kyle! Looking forward to the next episode :slight_smile:


We are always looking for community feedback on all our educational content! Let us know your thoughts in the #tutorial channel of our Discord here:

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Great, can you cover how to audit canister to make sure the messages are consistent? This functionality is mentioned in the intro but don’t see it in the example code

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Do you mean like, cryptographically verifying the response of queries? That’s not a trivial concept to break down, and I’d want to defer to some of our experts on it

great first video kyle … thanks I like you are screen-casting.

i would love to see if you could incorporate a sqlite.wasm back-end . …
I got the sql.js interpreter running cloned from github

ps i asked about the possibility on the sqlite/fossil forum. I mentioned Dfinity IC as the platform and the admin deleted my account and deleted my question. I was quite shocked. oh well! been kicked out of nicer places then that. -cheers

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I’ll be sticking with a Motoko backend for this project, but I could highlight sqlite and @lastmjs 's SudoGraph in future series!


I think I’d watch that


Well, verifying transactions is the basic premise of blockchains right? History being easily verifiable should be part of the core value proposition.
I mostly see documentation around consensus between duplicate canisters, which is something rather different. Looking for auditing on single canister.

Get CRUD-dy with it in IC Avatar Episode 2!

In this episode, I cover Create, Read, Update, and Delete functionality in a Motoko Canister, using a stable data structure.


Episode 3 is out - Nice Errors and return types using Motoko Results


Episode 4:

Episode 5: Adding a frontend

Bonus: Episode 5 - live coding the frontend


I don’t know if this is the right place to ask this, but I’m looking for motoko tutorials on you tube.
I think I need to build Internet Identity(4:38~), but II(idp-service(code . /idp-service(4:38~) ) is not explained in the video. What do I setting II if so?

There’s an example of that in the Livestream, and I have better docs in the readme of

I’ll copy those directions over to IC Avatar today

It was my lack of searching. Thank you, anyway. I can’t wait to make an app!

@kpeacock I’m stuck at last step getting below error.

dfx canister call my_app greet everyone
Error: Cannot find canister id. Please issue 'dfx canister create my_app'.

But I’m able to run npm start successfully but getting error as mentioned in my stack over flow question. Please refer link - Stack_Q?

Please help!