[ Important ] [ Dashboard ] Maturity disappeared !? ⁉

@FranHefner, thanks for reporting this problem. There was an upgrade of the NNS governance canister on Friday that changed the meaning of the stake_e8s property in the get_neuron_info method response. Previously, stake_e8s represented staked ICP plus staked maturity. After the change, stake_e8s now represents only staked ICP.

This affected the Neuron page of the IC Dashboard in the following ways:

  1. Staked ICP now only shows the stake of the neuron in ICP. This is desirable behavior. Staked maturity for NNS neurons will not be displayed on the IC Dashboard, only in the NNS front-end dapp, since NNS neuron maturity is considered private.
  2. Estimate Rewards: Daily Rewards (Maturity) is now incorrect (lower than it should be) for neurons with staked maturity, as you reported. This is a bug that will be corrected soon, most likely tomorrow.