Hi all,
We’ve received some great donations so far to ICDevs.org and we are looking to issue our first code bounties pretty soon. We’ve set up an axon at Axon for the community to help ratify our proposals. We’ll also be using it to steer our neurons on important community votes.
If you’d like a vote, there are a couple of ways to do that:
Become a developer advisor board member - We’ve already had three members step up and do that(@lastmjs , @mparikh, Integral Wizard). These folks get to help us hash through what should be prioritized and make the official proposal to the community.
Become an advisor - These folks get a vote to ratify(or reject) the proposals.
You can find more details about how to join these groups at ICDevs.org and https://icdevs.org/developer_advisory_committee.html. I’m aiming to have the first vote up on Monday.
If you want a vote you’re welcome to send me the hash/screenshot of your donation/dedicated neuron, message board name, any github that you may have to prove your devyness, your axon principle (log into axon.ooo). If you want to be a board member, also send me if you’d like your name on the site, a 140 character bio, and a single link you’d like to your github/twitter/distrikt…which ever you’d like.
We’re using axon at the moment but will probably roll to a fork of it in the near future for Cycle cost and Security reasons. In the meantime, it works pretty well.
The other question I have for board admins and members is if this venue is an ok place to post/track our bounties? I don’t want to muddy up the boards, but I figure this is the best place to post updates and coordinate with the community. Please let me know what you all think. We could also pop over to dscvr which would be more IC of us but also harder to track at the moment.