EDIT: vote here: Internet Computer Network Status
After seeing some people make ludicrous suggestions, saying things like “we should unlock all seed investors neurons right now”, as an MA economist I have a counter proposal:
All seed investors’ neurons which have not yet unlocked should be automatically staked for 8 years.
This would stop the monthly dumps of several millions of ICP. Rewards would remain on their current schedule. This would stop or significantly slow the outward shift of the supply curve, which might be enough to cause price to stop falling.
Please note that even if the demand curve does not change but the supply curve continues to shift outward, price will fall. I believe investors are hesitant to increase investment into ICP in part because of the periodic unlocking of new tokens.
With the outward shift in the supply curve arrested, investors would show confidence in the future of ICP. New money would flow into the token, shifting the demand curve outward and allowing price to increase.
Suggesting that we should simply unlock all tokens now and end the period of unlocks thusly is incredibly short-sighted. With over 100 million ICP suddenly unlocked, this shock could be enough to kill the coin and the project. Who would continue to invest? But with unlocks halted as I suggest, investors would feel more comfortable. Developers would come, as the fear of monthly dumps would be far removed.
With more investment and development we would enter a cycle of positive reinforcement, where the adjusted tokenomics would lead to further development and investment.
Now, with this said, how can I formally suggest this on the NNS? I am not a developer. I am merely a master of economics. And, what are your thoughts on the matter?
Thank you. I look forward to the discussion.