Hi nns developers,
I was wondering if nns will support to mint ckBTC in the future?
Hi nns developers,
I was wondering if nns will support to mint ckBTC in the future?
NNS-dapp you mean? If so, yes. Implementation is done, UI is in review.
Thanks for the quick reply, when will the UI be available? Is there an estimated time?
I don’t know about the planing.
Any news here? I see that I can check a BTC address on an explorer from the nns ui, so i guess this is the BTC address I would need to send my funds to? Is the
call being made when I click Refresh Balance
on the UI?
It’s live since more than a month now. The foundation even tweeted about it.
I see that I can check a BTC address on an explorer from the nns ui, so i guess this is the BTC address I would need to send my funds to?
There is a “Receive” button in NNS dapp in your wallet. Click on it, select “Bitcoin” and the address to send BTC will be presented.
Ah awesome!
Is it intended that there is no separate button to mint/burn ckBTC?
To me personally it’s a bit confusing that I have to click on receive BTC from within my ckBTC wallet as to me those are two separate things. I would also expect that this would just be a way to hold BTC in my NNS wallet, not that those BTC are minted as ckBTC.
It’s most certainly designed the way it is on purpose .
“Receive” to get to know the addresses
“Refresh balance” to finalize BTC → ckBTC
“Send” for ckBTC → ckBTC and ckBTC → BTC