Why minting ckUSDC takes so long?

Minting $ckUSDC takes unreasonably long time - I am waiting 1h+ now and 339 ETH confirmations since I have sent USDC and still nothing - If you want to act fast to buy token with USDC - better forget it ! this must be fixed - maybe similiar desing to ckBTC integrated into the NNS…

What is the transaction hash related to you sending USDC?

Hi there this is the hash 0x2b2202f5fff28c5b6c1918cec764faab53e849deef05d23387c6fe3bf9e93778

I still have not received ckUSDC

It seems the trouble is caused by rpc from Ankr as mention in this post:

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So the chainkey tech is down now? I thought its more robust … there needs to be some more transparent way to see if its “online” and working… I wanted to make arbitrage trade and I am already $ in a loss time/price wise…

Thank you for this. Will investigate and get back to you ASAP.

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As an update, we have reached out to and are waiting for LlamaNodes to get back up.

Once it is, you will receive ckUSDC.

More details:


Ok thanks for you update . patiently waiting … :frowning:

Why there is no announcement - why let people in stress this is not 5 min delay - we are speaking days - its peoples money ? we effectivly do not have reliable connection with ETH is where we stand

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You should have received 3,764 ckUSDC to principal whocn-tbpjx-jgubl-6q45v-gir26-ykspk-vociu-24mep-4zdoe-xkh6j-eae.

You can check the ckETH and ckERC20 Minter Dashboard by searching your transaction hash 0x2b2202f5fff28c5b6c1918cec764faab53e849deef05d23387c6fe3bf9e93778.

Yes I have finaly received them.
I constantly trade small and big ammounts on many chains.
so my worries in the moment are can I reliably use ckETH nad erc20 tokens back and forth to ETH and ICP in order to trade?
Somewhere where one can reliable check if the bridge is “alive” and not get stuck again days.

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