Lost ETH on IClighthouse

I swapped ETH for ckETH on IC lighthouse and Metamask shows that the transaction completed but I did not receive any ckETH and my IClighthouse wallet shows that there is no transaction history. Did I lose my ETH?

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Hello! This issue seems to be effecting everybody moving from ETH to the IC right now so it’s not ICLighthouse specific. According to this thread it seems related to the ankr RPC Why minting ckUSDC takes so long?

You can rest assured your funds are safe and they will reflect and be accessible once Dfinity/Ankr are able to address the cause of the issue.

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I am experiencing the same issue, it’s documented and being worked on. Rest assured.

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Any updates?

Thank you.

i lost cketh on iclight. i placed a limit sell order cketh for ckbtc. came back a week later. dont see any coins. cannot add coins to the wallet - to see or transact with cketh thats in the wallet. i see cketh on the icexplorer. but not showing on iclight. also no trace of limit sell order. how to fix?

I checked my IC lighthouse wallet in november and found my ckEth in there. Im not using IClighthouse anymore. I just use ICPswap now.

seems i solved the problem. when i use vpn it limits what is shown.
i turned off vpn and my coins and sell order show.