Webpage initial loading stalling


I often experience a weird initial loading time for my website (integralwizard.com, canister: v7c5h-dyaaa-aaaal-acydq-cai ). It’s pretty bad if this is the first impression of the website and people quit before even taking a look.

It doesn’t appear to be related with the site media, as it can happen with any page. And it seems to be “random” in that sometimes the loading can take 20sec, but mostly it’s fast. I suspect it’s a network issue, perhaps boundary nodes? I myself am located in Estonia.

Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 12.19.28

Has anyone else experienced this behaviour? I could use some CDN in the short-term but overall, I would expect the webpage to always open and not have a long initial delay.

There’s a thread regarding this in stack overflow that gives even more indication that this could be unrelated to the website.

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Hey @integral_wizard

This is Rüdiger from the boundary node team. I just quickly tried it manually and cannot reproduce it. In order for us to investigate further, it would super helpful, if you could share with us the request ID and the IP address of the boundary node you are connecting to. Both of these informations, you can find in the developer tools under “Headers”: Remote Address and X-Request-Id.

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Hello. For example this refresh took 1 minute of stalling. If I refresh again then it is faster.

  • X-Request-Id: f7275935-cf3d-eb85-da1a-f78176a72961
  • Remote Address:

As the same has happened with my mobile phone then this doesn’t seem to be computer/ browser related. Though both use the same mobile Internet.

The boundary node you connected to is located on the US west coast. From your previous post, I concluded that you are based in Estonia. In that case, you should be reaching a European boundary node. Are you using any VPNs or the like? Can you post the output of running dig A icp-api.io +short in a terminal please. Like that we can see whether you are getting the right set of boundary nodes.

Actually, when I look at the IPs behind your domain integralwizard.com, I can see that you have somehow hard-coded a bunch of boundary nodes from the US west coast:

dig integralwizard.com +short

This one doesn’t even exist anymore. It would be better to set up a CNAME from integralwizard.com to integralwizard.com.icp1.io.

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Oh, I see. Thank you. Yes I hardcoded some IPs because that was the only way to get it working using AWS Route53, as it doesnt support CNAME flattening for apex. But I guess it would be better to locate the nameservers in cloudflare that supports it.


I transferred the nameservers to cloudflare and set up the hosting again. It is more snappy now. I’ll see if this issue ever turns up again. Thank you for the help. :pray:

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