Just wanted to ramble/bounce a few rough ideas off of you all regarding what the future of open source software could look like with web3 - a preface that I’m relatively new to both open source and tokenization, so I am definitely not any sort of expert in this area, and would love any feedback or ideas you all have.
I’ve been thinking about the future of my open source project CanDB (i.e. how it should be licensed, owned, and operated), and after a few discussions with some people much more experienced than myself in the crypto and software licensing space, it lead me to ponder upon what the ownership and contribution model might look like for web3 and IC projects going forward.
Let’s say a project starts out with a founding team, and wants developers to start using the software so they can improve upon it and attract other developers.
That project can release tokens to developers based on adoption stage (early/late/mature), various usage and/or contribution metrics, and also through outside funding support or a token swap. One key goal, however is that ownership over the prioritization of features & maintenance (bug fixes, support) is primarily disbursed among the developers and teams that use and contribute to the project, and less amongst investors who may or may not use the software.
One of the main questions/concerns around this approach is how to balance the liquidity of ownership so that developers can sell their stake/influence while ensuring that developers are the primary owners, protecting the independence and open source nature of said project. This would be to guard against the scenario where a large corporate entity or investor comes in and buys out control over the project, and then puts an overly restrictive license on the software, making it no longer open source and jeopardizing all the teams that depend on that software.
A dififerent potential solution to this would be to make the tokens purely influence/voting-based, and make them soul-bound (non-transferable). Of course, this then opens up incentives to groups of individuals to band together and sell their identities and voting power to others if the incentives are high enough.
I guess this post has more questions then answers …you’re welcome?