Node Provider DAO

Hi all,

I’ve recently been noodling over an idea as to whether it would be possible to somehow setup DAO-owned/run Node machines. The purpose is to make it possible for true believers in ICP to help facilitate the decentralization without having to put up the - for a private individual - large sum of money to spin up a 2nd generation node machine.

I haven’t worked out all the details yet, but I am thinking that rewards could be short-term staked with the intention of building capital to be able to upgrade to the next generation (when it comes), used to pay out to on-the-ground maintainers (could be ICP hub-related people, e.g.) and/or distribute to investors.

Like I wrote it is just an idea, but wanted to share it with the crowd here.

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Interesting idea, would love to see something like this as reality

Nice idea but will still count as one node provider from a KYC standpoint . One person will still have access and control to the machines . Doesn’t help with decentralization.

And one couldn’t envision that control of the machine could be split between, say, three people so they all have to sign-off before executing something? I know this is not that decentralized, but it does add a hint of it :slight_smile: This is also an approach I have been thinking about for governance for companies when they change to UTOPIA. So that no one person can become the weak link, but rather several will have to collude, which is less likely to happen.