Hello there! Proposer 61 here. I’ll share some of the background of why that took place.
We had to make an emergency hotfix a few days ago.
The release automation tool — it’s a fairly recent innovation, ordinarily in charge of making proposals, and we’re very happy it exists — normally in charge of making the forum post then creating the proposal with a link to the forum post, had what we might call “a moment of confusion”. It started posting “in a few minutes there will be a new proposal”, several times spaced apart by a few minutes. So we suspended it. Of course, this meant no proposal was going to be produced.
Facing the situation as release manager for this week, I manually created the proposal using ic-admin
(something we haven’t done in probably months). I composed the title, the content of the proposal, verified the SHA256 sum of the package, and collated the URLs for it to go complete. Sadly, the forum post link went missing in that process.
That’s the lowdown on how the proposal came to be without a forum post link. While it’s technically not necessary to have a forum post link in a proposal — it’s not a field part of the formal machine-readable payload, only the commentary — we pride ourselves in fostering an environment where people can discuss the IC, its operation and all issues surrounding its evolution. The oversight is on me, and I apologize for that.
I’m happy to answer any further questions regarding this issue!
Edited to add: the forum post where the automation was slated to post an update was the same forum post for this week’s original release. I think the original release automation hiccups are still in that thread.
Edit #2: the automation hiccups are gone. I manually posted the notes for the hotfix here.