Subnet Management - lhg73 (Application)

This topic is intended to capture Subnet Management activities over time for the lhg73 subnet, providing a place to ask questions and make observations about the management of this subnet.

At the time of creating this topic the current subnet configuration is as follows:

  "version": 44598,
  "records": [
      "key": "subnet_record_lhg73-sax6z-2zank-6oer2-575lz-zgbxx-ptudx-5korm-fy7we-kh4hl-pqe",
      "version": 44598,
      "value": {
        "membership": [
        "nodes": {},
        "max_ingress_bytes_per_message": 2097152,
        "max_ingress_messages_per_block": 1000,
        "max_block_payload_size": 4194304,
        "unit_delay_millis": 1000,
        "initial_notary_delay_millis": 600,
        "replica_version_id": "3d0b3f10417fc6708e8b5d844a0bac5e86f3e17d",
        "dkg_interval_length": 499,
        "start_as_nns": false,
        "subnet_type": "application",
        "features": {
          "canister_sandboxing": false,
          "http_requests": true,
          "sev_enabled": false
        "max_number_of_canisters": 120000,
        "ssh_readonly_access": [
        "ssh_backup_access": [],
        "ecdsa_config": null,
        "chain_key_config": null
1 Like

There’s an open proposal for changing subnet membership - This information is presented below:

  • red marker represents a removed node (transparent center for overlap visibility)
  • green marker represents an added node
  • blue marker represents an unchanged node
  • highlighted patches represent the country a node sits within (red if the country is removed, green if added, otherwise grey)

Country Data Center Owner Node Provider Node Status
--- Costa Rica Bogota 1 (bg1) EdgeUno Geeta Kalwani ihttm-45oz5-an5mg-i2jtb-fayst-s47j6-vmuwr-fqotf-mp2il-n5s5x-cae DEGRADED
--- Estonia Tallinn 2 (ta2) Telia DC Vladyslav Popov bptaj-nejw4-osqqa-zwrej-ysl2o-5ffgj-hkjr6-2w6fi-jczex-vjutw-iae UP
+++ Switzerland Zurich 4 (zh4) Nine.Ch p4khz-nv35h-omz5j-3lflh-f473a-nwumw-yi74i-xwozx-ykk5t-heidc-rqe UNASSIGNED
+++ Germany Munich (mu1) q.beyond Staking Facilities om3xx-z7r5z-22dkp-rfta4-drccc-vlbaq-k7bep-pwemg-vquay-hxc34-7qe UNASSIGNED
Belgium Antwerp (an1) Datacenter United Allusion mihvd-umv3j-cjsl2-bfsdu-td7aw-2y6if-aw4fn-cghkm-v2oxd-kj75q-cae UP
China HongKong 1 (hk1) Unicom Pindar Technology Limited uj5bp-c66bz-meslf-u4uts-q3njs-tgfnr-bueq6-372lq-yz7so-4fu27-3qe UP
Georgia Tbilisi 1 (tb1) Cloud9 George Bassadone ognrk-q4exl-3wf25-yrrsy-mtezk-e3qww-k6s5v-2pikz-gto6z-dyl2y-eae UP
India Navi Mumbai 1 (nm1) Rivram Rivram Inc pdo46-iehoo-x2gfu-t5qu5-y3e64-cdymo-eioop-h6f4a-zebwa-fenb4-xae UP
Japan Tokyo (ty1) Equinix Starbase pfmqh-xphm4-h4wkn-nafsx-aix6u-h4gbl-owfhy-wnm4y-vkqyu-nmlhl-aqe UP
Korea (the Republic of) Seoul 1 (sl1) Megazone Cloud Neptune Partners ixo23-jxvux-ktqca-bje7d-py56s-yvjy5-zpxrk-fmlxt-zhuhg-wu5bc-wqe UP
Netherlands (the) Marseille (mr1) Digital Realty DFINITY Operations SA rsp26-d2hko-kvacs-6mdca-dumka-qxiyw-4yzkp-cuwgr-lj7je-v7e6z-4qe UP
Singapore Singapore 3 (sg3) Racks Central OneSixtyTwo Digital Capital bz73b-igxp6-g5dbn-f3ran-p2t5o-b4q42-guoec-imv4z-mvo25-7p4sp-2ae UP
Slovenia Maribor (mb1) Fractal Labs AG jfryc-owgdd-a7pp4-lao2c-anza2-nryvi-gqkmu-m2moj-4hzai-zfdiy-4qe UP
United States of America (the) Chicago 3 (ch3) CyrusOne MI Servers cilsw-jxcbi-qvp5o-7cylv-up5nj-2yykt-jtzha-s2uao-ee7uy-nprfm-vae UP
United States of America (the) Vancouver (bc1) Cyxtera Blockchain Development Labs ddbl6-37efl-b75e4-jpfsb-zioa6-ilvzo-tldwy-fnbhm-nbuoy-66cza-uqe UP

The proposal summary states:

Motivation: replacing 1 unhealthy node; replacing 1 node to improve subnet decentralization

The unhealthy node refers to ihttm-45oz5-an5mg-i2jtb-fayst-s47j6-vmuwr-fqotf-mp2il-n5s5x-cae which is degraded.

The other node removed by this proposal ( bptaj-nejw4-osqqa-zwrej-ysl2o-5ffgj-hkjr6-2w6fi-jczex-vjutw-iae) appears healthy, is located in Estonia, and owned by Telia DG (which doesn’t own any other node in this subnet). I think it’s unclear why this node is being removed…

The 2 nodes that are proposed to replace these far flung nodes are both located in central Europe (Germany and Switzerland), practically on each other’s doorstep by comparison.

I’ve rejected this proposal because the outcome seems in clear contradiction with the proposal summary. The summary could have been clearer about what it’s trying to achieve and why.


@timk11 has raised a similar concern here