Subnet Management - lhg73 (Application)

This is just a placeholder for the official announcement, sort of.
A new proposal is out 133320 to replace degraded node and dead node.


Voted to adopt proposal 133320.

This proposal replaces 2 nodes in subnet lhg73: cilsw, which appears in the dashboard as ā€œStatus: Degradedā€, and jfryc, which appears on the dashboard as ā€œStatus: Offlineā€. The overall effect of these changes is to leave the log average Nakamoto coefficient unchanged while keeping the number of nodes per node provider, data centre, data centre owner and country to one each in every case, well within the limits specified in the target topology.


Voted to adopt proposal 133320. The proposal replaces two nodes, cilsw: degraded and jfryc: offline with two healthy nodes ffsue and 7jjmd. The nodes are operational but havenā€™t been alocated to a subnet in a long time as itā€™s possible to see here but the respective data centers have healthy nodes in various subnets. The Nakamoto coefficient remains unchanged as verified with the Dre tool.

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What happened to the established workflow, proposer 61?

Proposal: 133320 - ICP Dashboard (

The above proposal doesnā€™t contain a reference to a forum post where voters can go see critical discussion about the proposal (to inform their vote, or share their insight). There was no forum post to reference, because the proposal wasnā€™t announced. I donā€™t think proposals like this are conducive to effective decentralisation, and responsible voting behaviour, so Iā€™ll be rejecting this proposal. Iā€™d be happy to adopt a replacement proposal that follows established procedure.

Proposal 133320

2 removed down/degraded nodes replaced with unassigned node in the US and Switzerland.

Decentralisation Stats

Subnet node distance stats (distance between any 2 nodes in the subnet) ā†’

Smallest Distance Average Distance Largest Distance
EXISTING 317.676 km 8678.125 km 18505.029 km
PROPOSED 300.075 km (-5.5%) 8719.449 km (+0.5%) 18505.029 km

Subnet characteristic counts ā†’

Continents Countries Data Centers Owners Node Providers
EXISTING 5 13 13 13 13
PROPOSED 5 13 13 13 13

Largest number of nodes with the same characteristic (e.g. continent, country, data center, etc.) ā†’

Continent Country Data Center Owner Node Provider
EXISTING 4 1 1 1 1
PROPOSED 4 1 1 1 1

See here for acceptable limits ā†’ Motion 132136

The above subnet information is illustrated below, followed by a node reference table:

Map Description
  • Red marker represents a removed node (transparent center for overlap visibility)
  • Green marker represents an added node
  • Blue marker represents an unchanged node
  • Highlighted patches represent the country the above nodes sit within (red if the country is removed, green if added, otherwise grey)
  • Light grey markers with yellow borders are examples of unassigned nodes that would be viable candidates for joining the subnet according to formal decentralisation coefficients (so this proposal can be viewed in the context of alternative solutions that are not being used)

Continent Country Data Center Owner Node Provider Node Status
--- Europe Slovenia Maribor (mb1) Fractal Labs AG jfryc-owgdd-a7pp4-lao2c-anza2-nryvi-gqkmu-m2moj-4hzai-zfdiy-4qe DOWN
--- Americas United States of America (the) Chicago 3 (ch3) CyrusOne MI Servers cilsw-jxcbi-qvp5o-7cylv-up5nj-2yykt-jtzha-s2uao-ee7uy-nprfm-vae DEGRADED
+++ Europe Switzerland Zurich 7 (zh7) Sygnum Bank 7jjmd-p43kv-2h3bp-yrcuv-gc3ia-zaess-2rj6p-p4xgr-f43xy-6hk55-xqe UNASSIGNED
+++ Americas United States of America (the) Tampa (tp1) Flexential Mika Properties, LLC ffsue-5rmb7-frfqk-gvfpg-gu2bo-udoa3-zputb-kexzk-gd667-fit5k-rae UNASSIGNED
Oceania Australia Queensland 1 (sc1) NEXTDC ANYPOINT PTY LTD 56ovz-lrvyd-gggsl-qtenl-uuokx-p7t3t-rg6mc-6lc5l-usfqb-fygiv-aqe UP
Europe Belgium Antwerp (an1) Datacenter United Allusion mihvd-umv3j-cjsl2-bfsdu-td7aw-2y6if-aw4fn-cghkm-v2oxd-kj75q-cae UP
Americas Canada Vancouver (bc1) Cyxtera Blockchain Development Labs ddbl6-37efl-b75e4-jpfsb-zioa6-ilvzo-tldwy-fnbhm-nbuoy-66cza-uqe UP
Americas Costa Rica Bogota 1 (bg1) EdgeUno Geeta Kalwani ihttm-45oz5-an5mg-i2jtb-fayst-s47j6-vmuwr-fqotf-mp2il-n5s5x-cae UP
Europe Germany Marseille (mr1) Digital Realty DFINITY Operations SA rsp26-d2hko-kvacs-6mdca-dumka-qxiyw-4yzkp-cuwgr-lj7je-v7e6z-4qe UP
Europe Estonia Tallinn 2 (ta2) Telia DC Vladyslav Popov bptaj-nejw4-osqqa-zwrej-ysl2o-5ffgj-hkjr6-2w6fi-jczex-vjutw-iae UP
Asia Georgia Tbilisi 1 (tb1) Cloud9 George Bassadone ognrk-q4exl-3wf25-yrrsy-mtezk-e3qww-k6s5v-2pikz-gto6z-dyl2y-eae UP
Asia India Navi Mumbai 1 (nm1) Rivram Rivram Inc pdo46-iehoo-x2gfu-t5qu5-y3e64-cdymo-eioop-h6f4a-zebwa-fenb4-xae UP
Asia Korea (the Republic of) Seoul 1 (sl1) Megazone Cloud Neptune Partners ixo23-jxvux-ktqca-bje7d-py56s-yvjy5-zpxrk-fmlxt-zhuhg-wu5bc-wqe UP
Asia Singapore Singapore 2 (sg2) Telin OneSixtyTwo Digital Capital cpywp-n4j5f-ja44p-oykxm-umz7h-fk6v2-rowix-bkwc4-ly4fw-tvu6c-mae UP
Africa South Africa Gauteng 2 (jb2) Africa Data Centres Honeycomb Capital (Pty) Ltd 5v4on-bsceg-rdgxe-zcqqf-l5wnq-fpxw7-x3ktj-3x4fs-o2cny-uzhor-vqe UP

Known Neurons to follow if you're too busy to keep on top of things like this

If you found this analysis helpful and would like to follow the vote of the LORIMER known neuron in the future, consider configuring LORIMER as a followee for the Subnet Management topic.

Other good neurons to follow:

  • Synapse (follows the LORIMER and CodeGov known neurons for Subnet Management, and is a generally well informed known neuron to follow on numerous other topics)

  • CodeGov (actively reviews and votes on Subnet Management proposals, and is well informed on numerous other technical topics)

  • WaterNeuron (the WaterNeuron DAO frequently discuss proposals like this in order to vote responsibly based on DAO consensus)

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Voted to adopt proposal 133320 the ids and reasons for the two removed notes check out and the addition of two new healthy ones check out as well while the decentralization stays the same.

About the proposal workflow I would have to agree with @Lorimer by adding that it shouldnā€™t be JUST for proposals that have voting grants. Since we have been doing this for a while now we do know where to find the forum thread to post. Also it wouldnā€™t be a problem for us to post each proposal to the affected subnet management thread on a first saw the new proposal first to post it basis.
I just think that using the Subnet Management threads (again we have to thank @Lorimer for the great job he did with these) is a great place to encourage others (outside of the current voting grants) to join and participate in the discussions relevant to each proposal and changes they bring to each subnet. Could raise more awareness on how decentralization is achieved and the
current target topology of the IC.


Hello there! Proposer 61 here. Iā€™ll share some of the background of why that took place.

We had to make an emergency hotfix a few days ago.

The release automation tool ā€” itā€™s a fairly recent innovation, ordinarily in charge of making proposals, and weā€™re very happy it exists ā€” normally in charge of making the forum post then creating the proposal with a link to the forum post, had what we might call ā€œa moment of confusionā€. It started posting ā€œin a few minutes there will be a new proposalā€, several times spaced apart by a few minutes. So we suspended it. Of course, this meant no proposal was going to be produced.

Facing the situation as release manager for this week, I manually created the proposal using ic-admin (something we havenā€™t done in probably months). I composed the title, the content of the proposal, verified the SHA256 sum of the package, and collated the URLs for it to go complete. Sadly, the forum post link went missing in that process.

Thatā€™s the lowdown on how the proposal came to be without a forum post link. While itā€™s technically not necessary to have a forum post link in a proposal ā€” itā€™s not a field part of the formal machine-readable payload, only the commentary ā€” we pride ourselves in fostering an environment where people can discuss the IC, its operation and all issues surrounding its evolution. The oversight is on me, and I apologize for that.

Iā€™m happy to answer any further questions regarding this issue!

Edited to add: the forum post where the automation was slated to post an update was the same forum post for this weekā€™s original release. I think the original release automation hiccups are still in that thread.

Edit #2: the automation hiccups are gone. I manually posted the notes for the hotfix here.


Hi @Lorimer as the proposal was accidentally missing the forum post link, which has been corrected and weā€™re making sure that this does not happen in the future again, the Foundation has decided to adopt the proposal. Thanks for your sharp review on the process to be followed, very much appreciated!


Thanks @SvenF and @dmanu

This sounds great. Much appreciated :+1:


Hello, folks. Weā€™re experiencing some issues with three different nodes in lhg73. Please stand by for more information on how we plan to proceed in order to restore lhg73 to full operation. Thanks.


Weā€™ll shortly submit a proposal to replace three dead / degraded nodes.

Please disregard proposal 133400 ā€“ this proposal was submitted in error.

EDIT: proposal has been submitted:

Forum post link:

Payload: ChangeSubnetMembershipPayload {
    subnet_id: lhg73-sax6z-2zank-6oer2-575lz-zgbxx-ptudx-5korm-fy7we-kh4hl-pqe,
    node_ids_add: [
    node_ids_remove: [
proposal 133404

Based on this I rejected the proposal 133400 with only 2 replacements.

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Thank you very much, Zack.

@ZackDS @Lorimer @timk11 @LaCosta can we have your review of proposal 133404? The lhg73 subnet has three degraded nodes now, which would be good to replace as fast as possible. Thanks again for your efforts!


Proposal 133404

TLDR: Iā€™m voting to adopt.

3 removed nodes (in Switzerland - degraded, Germany - up, Georgia - down) replaced with unassigned nodes in Germany, China, Japan.

I took at look at the node provider rewards dashboard to see what the situation was with the Germany node, given that it currently appears to be up. Looks like itā€™s been having some degradation recently, but not as bad as some other nodes on that subnet. Oddly enough there are no stats for the last few days:


For comparison, 56ovz is an example of an up node thatā€™s not being swapped, yet itā€™s stats look even worse.


In any case, this proposal improves network decentralisation and addresses a clearly degraded and down node. Looks good, Iā€™m voting to adopt

Decentralisation Stats

Subnet node distance stats (distance between any 2 nodes in the subnet) ā†’

Smallest Distance Average Distance Largest Distance
EXISTING 300.075 km 8719.449 km 18505.029 km
PROPOSED 317.676 km (+5.9%) 9071.275 km (+4%) 18505.029 km

This proposal slightly increases decentralisation, considered purely in terms of geographic distance (and therefore thereā€™s a slight theoretical increase in localised disaster resilience). :+1:

Subnet characteristic counts ā†’

Continents Countries Data Centers Owners Node Providers
EXISTING 5 13 13 13 13
PROPOSED 5 13 13 13 13

Largest number of nodes with the same characteristic (e.g. continent, country, data center, etc.) ā†’

Continent Country Data Center Owner Node Provider
EXISTING 4 1 1 1 1
PROPOSED 5 (+25%) 1 1 1 1

See here for acceptable limits ā†’ Motion 132136

The above subnet information is illustrated below, followed by a node reference table:

Map Description
  • Red marker represents a removed node (transparent center for overlap visibility)
  • Green marker represents an added node
  • Blue marker represents an unchanged node
  • Highlighted patches represent the country the above nodes sit within (red if the country is removed, green if added, otherwise grey)
  • Light grey markers with yellow borders are examples of unassigned nodes that would be viable candidates for joining the subnet according to formal decentralisation coefficients (so this proposal can be viewed in the context of alternative solutions that are not being used)

Continent Country Data Center Owner Node Provider Node Status
--- Europe Switzerland Zurich 7 (zh7) Sygnum Bank 7jjmd-p43kv-2h3bp-yrcuv-gc3ia-zaess-2rj6p-p4xgr-f43xy-6hk55-xqe DEGRADED
--- Europe Germany Marseille (mr1) Digital Realty DFINITY Operations SA rsp26-d2hko-kvacs-6mdca-dumka-qxiyw-4yzkp-cuwgr-lj7je-v7e6z-4qe UP
--- Asia Georgia Tbilisi 1 (tb1) Cloud9 George Bassadone ognrk-q4exl-3wf25-yrrsy-mtezk-e3qww-k6s5v-2pikz-gto6z-dyl2y-eae DOWN
+++ Asia China HongKong 1 (hk1) Unicom Pindar Technology Limited r4642-fjh73-ltnlt-qhdcr-kfujl-v3up4-5pnci-o7zqi-set7a-pvi3p-5qe UNASSIGNED
+++ Europe Germany Marseille (mr1) Digital Realty DFINITY Operations SA vlbpb-szwgu-jqul3-kpfje-ozgkp-jdwz4-f2hhq-6w6tf-e2lrl-4bmad-xae UNASSIGNED
+++ Asia Japan Tokyo (ty1) Equinix Starbase rs26k-ldffa-z7lqu-rhjps-tumxa-arwvb-mdyye-mhevv-4dpjm-xo72t-mae UNASSIGNED
Oceania Australia Queensland 1 (sc1) NEXTDC ANYPOINT PTY LTD 56ovz-lrvyd-gggsl-qtenl-uuokx-p7t3t-rg6mc-6lc5l-usfqb-fygiv-aqe UP
Europe Belgium Antwerp (an1) Datacenter United Allusion mihvd-umv3j-cjsl2-bfsdu-td7aw-2y6if-aw4fn-cghkm-v2oxd-kj75q-cae UP
Americas Canada Vancouver (bc1) Cyxtera Blockchain Development Labs ddbl6-37efl-b75e4-jpfsb-zioa6-ilvzo-tldwy-fnbhm-nbuoy-66cza-uqe UP
Americas Costa Rica Bogota 1 (bg1) EdgeUno Geeta Kalwani ihttm-45oz5-an5mg-i2jtb-fayst-s47j6-vmuwr-fqotf-mp2il-n5s5x-cae UP
Europe Estonia Tallinn 2 (ta2) Telia DC Vladyslav Popov bptaj-nejw4-osqqa-zwrej-ysl2o-5ffgj-hkjr6-2w6fi-jczex-vjutw-iae UP
Asia India Navi Mumbai 1 (nm1) Rivram Rivram Inc pdo46-iehoo-x2gfu-t5qu5-y3e64-cdymo-eioop-h6f4a-zebwa-fenb4-xae UP
Asia Korea (the Republic of) Seoul 1 (sl1) Megazone Cloud Neptune Partners ixo23-jxvux-ktqca-bje7d-py56s-yvjy5-zpxrk-fmlxt-zhuhg-wu5bc-wqe UP
Asia Singapore Singapore 2 (sg2) Telin OneSixtyTwo Digital Capital cpywp-n4j5f-ja44p-oykxm-umz7h-fk6v2-rowix-bkwc4-ly4fw-tvu6c-mae UP
Americas United States of America (the) Tampa (tp1) Flexential Mika Properties, LLC ffsue-5rmb7-frfqk-gvfpg-gu2bo-udoa3-zputb-kexzk-gd667-fit5k-rae UP
Africa South Africa Gauteng 2 (jb2) Africa Data Centres Honeycomb Capital (Pty) Ltd 5v4on-bsceg-rdgxe-zcqqf-l5wnq-fpxw7-x3ktj-3x4fs-o2cny-uzhor-vqe UP

Known Neurons to follow if you're too busy to keep on top of things like this

If you found this analysis helpful and would like to follow the vote of the LORIMER known neuron in the future, consider configuring LORIMER as a followee for the Subnet Management topic.

Other good neurons to follow:

  • Synapse (follows the LORIMER and CodeGov known neurons for Subnet Management, and is a generally well informed known neuron to follow on numerous other topics)

  • CodeGov (actively reviews and votes on Subnet Management proposals, and is well informed on numerous other technical topics)

  • WaterNeuron (the WaterNeuron DAO frequently discuss proposals like this in order to vote responsibly based on DAO consensus)


Rejected (proposed by neuron 61 - @dmanu, who has declared the proposal as submitted in error)


Sry for the late response I was away. Voted to adopt proposal 133404.
All the 3 listed nodes are consistent with the proposals motivation as being offline and degraded (even though the one from Dfinity " rsp26" is currently showing as active in the dashboard while NPR shows that is offline for last 3 days)
The proposed new nodes all are healthy and adding them does not hurt but in fact improves decentralisation.


Voted to reject proposal 133400 based on the information provided.


Voted to adopt proposal 133404. The proposal replaces three nodes on the lhg73 subnet: node 7jjmd (Degraded), node ognrk (Offline) and node rsp26 (Active) with the nodes: vlbpb, r4642 and rs26k.
The Nakamoto Coefficient remains the same and although node rsp26 shows up in the dashboard as active it has been degraded since the 10th of October as seen in the image from the Node Provider Rewards.


I voted earlier to adopt proposal 133404. This proposal replaces three dead or degraded nodes in the lhg73 subnet and does so without any negative impacts on Nakamoto coefficients or the target topology. I havenā€™t yet had the opportunity to verify all the details independently but I appreciate thereā€™s some urgency to get this change underway in order to uphold the safety of the network.


Iā€™ve also voted to reject proposal 133400 given that it was submitted in error and then superceded by the more recent proposal.


Thank you so much for your help getting lhg73 to top performance again.