Proposal to elect new release rc--2024-10-03_01-30

Release Notes for release-2024-10-03_01-30-canister-overhead-hotfix (f0c923eba09e9c1444501692b0ab4884882bf5bc)

This release is based on changes since release-2024-10-03_01-30-base (d2657773d007e1b4c0b2dd715c628d24c0d7b5fb). It fixes an issue in fuqsr and addresses heavy compute load woes seen in prior weeks.

Please note that some commits may be excluded from this release if they’re not relevant, or not modifying the GuestOS image. Additionally, descriptions of some changes might have been slightly modified to fit the release notes format.

To see a full list of commits added since last release, compare the revisions on GitHub.

Other changes:

  • f0c923eba Execution,Interface: Revert “feat: Charge canisters for full execution (#1782)”
  • dfc32fd17 Execution,Interface: Revert “feat: Charge idle canisters for full execution (#1806)”
  • 837588c5e Execution,Interface,Networking: Revert “fix: Tweak instruction overhead per canister (#1819)”

IC-OS Verification

To build and verify the IC-OS disk image, run:

# From
sudo apt-get install -y curl && curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSLO && chmod +x && ./ -c f0c923eba09e9c1444501692b0ab4884882bf5bc

The two SHA256 sums printed above from a) the downloaded CDN image of the GuestOS and b) the locally built GuestOS image, must be identical, and must match the SHA256 from the payload of the NNS proposal. The verification process will also attempt to reproduce HostOS and SetupOS – these results are for advisory purposes only, as this proposal only elects a GuestOS.

Proposal URL:

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