Hi everyone,
I will soon be proposing to turn Juno into a DAO using the SNS framework. Since there is still some uncertainty regarding this specific duration issue, I would appreciate it if one of the foundation NNS developers participating in this thread could run my SNS YAML file with your tooling and confirm that you’re getting the same duration as I do with proposals.network.
After disabling the neuron funds and removing the dapp canisters from the YAML file, this is the payload of the Create Service Nervous System proposal that I am able to generate.
"url": "https://juno.build",
"governanceParameters": {
"neuronMaximumDissolveDelayBonus": {
"basisPoints": "7500"
"neuronMaximumAgeForAgeBonus": {
"seconds": "94672800"
"neuronMaximumDissolveDelay": {
"seconds": "94672800"
"neuronMinimumDissolveDelayToVote": {
"seconds": "15780096"
"neuronMaximumAgeBonus": {
"basisPoints": "2500"
"neuronMinimumStake": {
"e8s": "10000000000"
"proposalWaitForQuietDeadlineIncrease": {
"seconds": "86400"
"proposalInitialVotingPeriod": {
"seconds": "259200"
"proposalRejectionFee": {
"e8s": "10000000000"
"votingRewardParameters": {
"rewardRateTransitionDuration": {
"seconds": "31557600"
"initialRewardRate": {
"basisPoints": "150"
"finalRewardRate": {
"basisPoints": "150"
"fallbackControllerPrincipalIds": [
"logo": {
"base64Encoding": "...gg=="
"tokenName": "Juno Build"
"description": "Juno is a blockchain-as-a-service platform that equips developers with all the essential tools to create Web3 applications, making it as easy as developing with Web2 cloud services. It offers a growing number of features, including authentication, data and file storage, hosting, serverless functions, and on-chain analytics.",
"dappCanisters": [],
"swapParameters": {
"minimumParticipants": "100",
"duration": {
"seconds": "1209600"
"neuronBasketConstructionParameters": {
"dissolveDelayInterval": {
"seconds": "15780096"
"count": "5"
"confirmationText": "I confirm my understanding of the responsibilities and risks associated with participating in this token swap and that I am not a resident of any of the excluded countries.\n",
"maximumParticipantIcp": {
"e8s": "20000000000000"
"neuronsFundInvestmentIcp": undefined,
"minimumIcp": undefined,
"minimumParticipantIcp": {
"e8s": "1000000000"
"startTime": undefined,
"maximumIcp": undefined,
"restrictedCountries": {
"isoCodes": [
"maxDirectParticipationIcp": {
"e8s": "35000000000000"
"minDirectParticipationIcp": {
"e8s": "20000000000000"
"neuronsFundParticipation": false
"initialTokenDistribution": {
"treasuryDistribution": {
"total": {
"e8s": "5000000000000000"
"developerDistribution": {
"developerNeurons": [
"controller": "k5nen-up7es-gfojt-3cbvu-ejeec-kjull-457tg-en2xi-ixjgm-vnxmv-tqe",
"dissolveDelay": {
"seconds": "63115200"
"memo": "0",
"vestingPeriod": {
"seconds": "157788000"
"stake": {
"e8s": "400000000000000"
"controller": "k5nen-up7es-gfojt-3cbvu-ejeec-kjull-457tg-en2xi-ixjgm-vnxmv-tqe",
"dissolveDelay": {
"seconds": "47340288"
"memo": "1",
"vestingPeriod": {
"seconds": "94672800"
"stake": {
"e8s": "400000000000000"
"controller": "k5nen-up7es-gfojt-3cbvu-ejeec-kjull-457tg-en2xi-ixjgm-vnxmv-tqe",
"dissolveDelay": {
"seconds": "31557600"
"memo": "2",
"vestingPeriod": {
"seconds": "63115200"
"stake": {
"e8s": "400000000000000"
"controller": "k5nen-up7es-gfojt-3cbvu-ejeec-kjull-457tg-en2xi-ixjgm-vnxmv-tqe",
"dissolveDelay": {
"seconds": "23670144"
"memo": "3",
"vestingPeriod": {
"seconds": "47340288"
"stake": {
"e8s": "400000000000000"
"controller": "k5nen-up7es-gfojt-3cbvu-ejeec-kjull-457tg-en2xi-ixjgm-vnxmv-tqe",
"dissolveDelay": {
"seconds": "15780096"
"memo": "4",
"vestingPeriod": {
"seconds": "31557600"
"stake": {
"e8s": "400000000000000"
"swapDistribution": {
"total": {
"e8s": "3000000000000000"
Thanks in advance for your feedback.