SNS Update: Feb 9, 2024

The NNS Team will be submitting the following proposals to publish new versions of SNS canisters to SNS-WASM this Friday, 2024-02-09. DFINITY plans to vote on these proposals the following Monday.

Additional Notes / Breaking Changes

Recall from the recent issue that the SNS root used to set the memory limit of all canisters it upgraded to 1GiB.
This behavior has been changed in 127516 and from now on a normal upgrade will not change a canister’s memory allocation.
However, all canisters that already have a low memory allocation from past upgrades, still keep this limit.
This could be especially risky for SNS canisters - as it would be even harder to recover if an SNS canister runs out of memory, especially governance.
Therefore, this upgrade includes a change that will, in a one-off, set the memory allocation of all SNS canisters to best effort.
Note that this does not include the SNS-controlled dapp canisters. SNS communities should be aware that the SNS-controlled dapp canister might have the 1GiB limit that was assigned on every SNS upgrade. However, since proposal 127674, SNS DAOs can adjust these limits by proposal.

Proposals to be Submitted

## Proposal to Upgrade the Governance Canister
### Proposer: DFINITY Foundation
### Git Hash: 7a3db052ed4c3306272ed372039d9775f189c0bc
### New Wasm Hash: ca86c3cc6c7bc40fbd2df866762ec0a0b6a50e49c54f89cab0ce3df574629167
### Target canister: rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai
## Release Notes
$ git log --format="%C(auto) %h %s" e488bf2fb40274200772f59567cd051660ae7974..7a3db052ed4c3306272ed372039d9775f189c0bc --  ./rs/nns/governance
 156da3fe12 Merge branch 'jason/mist-flatten-neuron-data-validator' into 'master'
 73d13d499e chore(nns): Flatten neuron data validator since it only has one enum member
 1757ef3d00 Merge branch 'jason/NNS1-2819' into 'master'
 9ea509d0c5 chore(nns): NNS1-2819 Clean up code for tagging genesis neurons
 52fb5179d3 chore(nns): NNS1-2813 Remove migration code for cleaning up SnsDecentralizationSale topic from following
 bc81e20f92 chore: upgrade `ic-stable-structures`

## Wasm Verification
Verify that the hash of the gzipped WASM matches the proposed hash.
git fetch
git checkout 7a3db052ed4c3306272ed372039d9775f189c0bc
./gitlab-ci/container/ -c
sha256sum ./artifacts/canisters/governance-canister.wasm.gz
## Current Version
- Current Git Hash: e488bf2fb40274200772f59567cd051660ae7974
- Current Wasm Hash: 659f062deba5a679dac73d7094086b7734425416447a4fa0d894b409a4480beb


## Proposal to Publish the SNS Root Canister WASM to SNS-W
### Proposer: DFINITY Foundation
### Canister Type: root
### Git Hash: 7a3db052ed4c3306272ed372039d9775f189c0bc
### New Wasm Hash: 8d479572f739d13ba05f1d98b834edb4bbd3f96abab90397a4701e6ed3142829
## Features
- Set the memory_allocation to best-effort mode for all SNS canisters. Dapp canisters are unaffected.
## Release Notes
$ git log --format="%C(auto) %h %s" e488bf2fb40274200772f59567cd051660ae7974..7a3db052ed4c3306272ed372039d9775f189c0bc --  ./rs/sns/root
 179f03a8bc fix(sns): undo memory_allocation setting
## Wasm Verification
Verify that the hash of the gzipped WASM matches the proposed hash.
git fetch
git checkout 7a3db052ed4c3306272ed372039d9775f189c0bc
./gitlab-ci/container/ -c
sha256sum ./artifacts/canisters/sns-root-canister.wasm.gz

SNS Root: Proposal: 127698 - ICP Dashboard

SNS Governance: Proposal: 127699 - ICP Dashboard

My apologies. I accidentally posted the proposal text for NNS governance when I meant to post the proposal text for SNS governance. The actual proposal was correct:

## Proposal to Publish the SNS Governance Canister WASM to SNS-W
### Proposer: DFINITY Foundation
### Canister Type: governance
### Git Hash: 7a3db052ed4c3306272ed372039d9775f189c0bc
### New Wasm Hash: 2bb65acf203f7816f30ca150dd72841f7971b6f94fd831cf418ada4a217b6a0d
## Features
- Set the memory_allocation to best-effort mode for all SNS canisters. Dapp canisters are unaffected.
## Release Notes
$ git log --format="%C(auto) %h %s" e488bf2fb40274200772f59567cd051660ae7974..7a3db052ed4c3306272ed372039d9775f189c0bc --  ./rs/sns/governance
 179f03a8bc fix(sns): undo memory_allocation setting
 3cca01f532 feat(sns): Enable limiting allowed 7-day treasury transfer amount.
 72414c7431 feature(sns): Assess the value of the ICP and SNS tokens in the treasury in XDR.
## Wasm Verification
Verify that the hash of the gzipped WASM matches the proposed hash.
git fetch
git checkout 7a3db052ed4c3306272ed372039d9775f189c0bc
./gitlab-ci/container/ -c
sha256sum ./artifacts/canisters/sns-governance-canister.wasm.gz

This could lead to dapp canisters running out of memory when they reach the 1GB reserved memory allocation. Please check your memory allocation, using the get_sns_canisters_summary (BoomDAO example) method, and change the memory allocation using a UpdateDappCanisterSettings proposal if necessary.

@atomikm @borovan @Gabriel @saikatdas0790 @hpeebles @GHOST @rlaracue @Seers @modclub @cakemaker1 @infu @GOLDDAO @nicko @tatruso @Sneed