SNS Update: Jan 5, 2024


The NNS Team will be submitting the following proposals to publish new versions of SNS canisters to SNS-WASM this Friday, 2024-01-05. DFINITY plans to vote on these proposals the following Monday.

Proposals to be Submitted


## Proposal to Publish the SNS Governance Canister WASM to SNS-W
### Proposer: DFINITY Foundation
### Canister Type: governance
### Git Hash: afa995955f90d48f4c1fe3251a2ab7297274044c
### New Wasm Hash: d6fb78613a9991d0387abfb6bf999d3e9ebec0f729f23d9fd2727cd5aeeaba45
## Features
- Add finalize_disbursement_timestamp_seconds to SNS Neuron maturity disbursement
- Disable catch-all following for critical proposals
- Add ManageLedgerParameters proposal type
- Add support for token minting & variable voting thresholds
## Release Notes
$ git log --format="%C(auto) %h %s" d191e57a18cc146b9aa57722adcd4db007f4df5a..afa995955f90d48f4c1fe3251a2ab7297274044c --  ./rs/sns/governance
 857e4aec04 fix(sns): Changed the name and description of the catch-all topic in SNS.
 e526c00879 Merge branch 'jason/NNS1-2442' into 'master'
 1530a92fd9 feat(sns): NNS1-2442 Add finalize_disbursement_timestamp_seconds to SNS Neuron maturity disbursement
 e07e2e1858 chore(sns): followup comments on new SNS proposal type
 dcfa45b5c8 Merge branch '@anchpop/sns-governance-instrumentation' into 'master'
 285c818658 Add some instrumentation to sns governance
 315d49991b feat(sns): NNS1-2748: Use ProposalCriticality to disable catch-all following on critical SNS proposals.
 89bc017b81 feat(sns): NNS1-2741, NNS-2742: ProposalCriticality
 33908d5268 Merge branch 'master' into levifeldman-sns-manage-ledger-parameters
 c5660f81ed feat(sns): NNS1-2750: No catch all following for critical proposals.
 1778e82330 Remove instrumentation spans from SNS Governance
 55cf5403be Take away the change_fee_collector option in the ManageLedgerParameters proposal type.
 472b273ed3 fmt
 de02387173 Merge branch 'master' into levifeldman-sns-manage-ledger-parameters
 de3a04c8d3 Merge branch '@anchpop/gix-notification' into 'master'
 a163262f11 chore(release): Bump up the bazel versions for all crates as well
 a821e88e8a Add reminder to notify GIX when is_accepted is changed
 942aa116ea NNS1-2727 NNS1-2728: Add support for token minting & variable voting thresholds
 6250228116 clippy for the governance tests
 466eb8cb38 cargo fmt
 a395b52093 Merge branch 'master' into levifeldman-sns-manage-ledger-parameters
 eb1789a235 fix: Use minimum_yes_proportion_of_exercised in is_accepted
 d270c2ed0e Remove line from old commit.
 830feb6580 chore: upgrade prost to 0.12 and tonic to 0.10
 30c2c0be17 Merge branch 'tim/bump-rust174' into 'master'
 ac92ac4bbf chore: bump rust to 1.74
 fe985aaa37 fix(sns-governance): NNS1-2588, NNS1-2635. Sane-ify rewards in SNS by bringing it more in line with NNS.
 45f81be19e NNS1-2725: Add minimum_yes_proportion_of_exercised to ProposalData
 bc462fa60a Put heartbeat logic into the perform_manage_ledger_parameters fn.
 ee20fe8b27 change_fee_collector field with the ledger's Unset and SetTo variants.
 c7edc72aaa Merge branch '@anchpop/refactor-absolute-majority-calculation' into 'master'
 05c0d682cd NNS1-2724: Refactor absolute majority calculation
 884149c524 Clippy, and get only the last canister-change in the perform_manage_ledger_parameters fn.
 d0d02d41a8 build: fix few build dependencies
 5ae303770f chore: bump rust to 1.73
 15512f2cab fix(sns-governance): NNS1-2588: Fixed a bug in reward_status.
 f43a13c9f5 Put back the heartbeat logic.
 db4e2edd35 feat(nns-root): NNS1-2690: Exposed various *_nns_canister methods of NNS root.
 dae1066341 erase the pending_upgrade & heartbeat changes of the previous commit.
 03d51b58d2 The governance starts (but does not await) the ledger upgrade. The heartbeat checks for the proposal completion.
 71720951b1 Test the whole render of validate_and_render_manage_ledger_parameters
 93173feea3 Make sure root can only upgrade the **ledger** canister with the  method.
 9bee7a204a feat: SNS proposal type: ManageLedgerParameters.
 b204f287e4 refactor: NNS1-2589: refactor canister management methods
 b968ee6288 refactor(IDX-3017): sync version of build-info and move to the workspace.
 32d95f0334 refactor(IDX-3017): Update clap and move to the workspace.
 8b6c8d1b0f feat(release): Introduce workspace version
 ab8783a919 refactor(IDX-3017): move serde to the workspace.
 5a9abf0bce refactor(IDX-3017) update pretty_assertions and move to the workspace.
## Wasm Verification
Verify that the hash of the gzipped WASM matches the proposed hash.
git fetch
git checkout afa995955f90d48f4c1fe3251a2ab7297274044c
./gitlab-ci/container/ -c
sha256sum ./artifacts/canisters/sns-governance-canister.wasm.gz


## Proposal to Publish the SNS Root Canister WASM to SNS-W
### Proposer: DFINITY Foundation
### Canister Type: root
### Git Hash: afa995955f90d48f4c1fe3251a2ab7297274044c
### New Wasm Hash: 3a5e53c8d068323ff97eabae7c0a605da61eeddf2253eb0313d4579d15ce7d56
## Release Notes
$ git log --format="%C(auto) %h %s" d191e57a18cc146b9aa57722adcd4db007f4df5a..afa995955f90d48f4c1fe3251a2ab7297274044c --  ./rs/sns/root
 a163262f11 chore(release): Bump up the bazel versions for all crates as well
 5ae303770f chore: bump rust to 1.73
 db4e2edd35 feat(nns-root): NNS1-2690: Exposed various *_nns_canister methods of NNS root.
 b204f287e4 refactor: NNS1-2589: refactor canister management methods
 b968ee6288 refactor(IDX-3017): sync version of build-info and move to the workspace.
 8b6c8d1b0f feat(release): Introduce workspace version
 ab8783a919 refactor(IDX-3017): move serde to the workspace.
## Wasm Verification
Verify that the hash of the gzipped WASM matches the proposed hash.
git fetch
git checkout afa995955f90d48f4c1fe3251a2ab7297274044c
./gitlab-ci/container/ -c
sha256sum ./artifacts/canisters/sns-root-canister.wasm.gz