SNS Ledgers now support ICRC-2

Yesterday, the community voted to adopt the proposals for publishing a new version of the SNS Index canister suite (Index, Ledger, Archive). With this update, all newly launched SNS projects will get the ICRC-2 token standard, enabling SNS token holders to delegate token transfers to a third party. Existing SNS projects can get ICRC-2 by upgrading to the latest version.

Supporting the ICRC-2 standard involved engineering, testing, and security reviews in collaboration of the NNS, the Financial Integrations, and the Product Security teams. We’re looking forward to see the great things that the community will build using this new functionality!


Awesome! Congratulations everyone! Special thanks for those in the working group last year who worked on and polished the ICRC-2 standard and for the DFINITY teams for implementing it into the ledger and SNSs.


when sns projects listed on cex .

According to the FI team, the integration layer for Coinbase is a high priority feature under active development. The ETA is not available yet, though. Cc @mariop


We aim for end of Q1 for the integration layer, but that we are working on improving certain bottlenecks which may result in a delay. A preliminary alpha version could be made available in the next weeks.