Sneak peek and test the SNS Frontend

Hi :wave:

To follow up on @peterparker 's post not long ago, we would like to share the current state of the SNS Frontend.

So far, we are well advanced on two pages: Launch Pad and Swap Project Detail.

These two pages fall into the “Initial Swap Participation” flow that @lara presented in the post: SNS frontend design.

NOTE: All the data is mocked. These are NOT real projects :disguised_face:

Feel free to check them live on testnet:

Launch Pad

The user sees the current and upcoming projects that will become SNS:

Swap Project Details

When the user clicks on a card, it will be redirected to the project page. Here, you can find the status as well additional details about the swap status.


We are moving fast, but there are still big steps ahead:

  • Connect the frontend with data coming from the SNS canisters.
  • Develop the flow where the user can participate in the Swap.
  • Add the neurons of SNS projects along the NNS projects, and adapt the neuron functionality and UI to the new neurons.

After these points, we can consider the MVP to be completed and projects will be able to launch they own SNS.


They say that “sharing is caring” :blush:

Please, let us know what you think of the current development and we can’t wait to have everything finished and the launch the first successful swap.

Have a good week!


The design and flow are looking great, kudos to nns team :partying_face:


This looks really amazing. Undoubtedly, a frontend like this, so easy to understand and use, will benefit the massive use of the SNS. Thanks for this work!


Oh God YES!!! This looks looks so good, a great step into the right direction.
A good launchpad is really what we need.
This will Dfinitly draw users attention towards the IC.

Secondly this will make new projects that is announced at places like ICODROPS have the “DFINITY LAUNCHPAD” Symbol to their name. This will really help put the word out!

Eventually maybe the idea to make some sort of VISA payment method for new clearnet users, as it will be an easier way for new investors that do not understand how to struggle like the early days of ERC20 ICO investments


Honest SNS feedback. I think is worth it that you guys take a read:

why can´t acces to this:

get this:
and my anchor works fine in another sites.

That’s a testnet link, so your Internet Identity anchor from mainnet won’t work. Just create a new anchor for the testnet and you should be good.


Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, you can’t use your anchor there, and that is on purpose :slight_smile:


Interesting read. Feel free to comment in the SNS posts in this forum for more interaction. For example on @lara 's post.

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