SNS Update: Dec 8, 2023

The NNS Team will be submitting the following proposals to publish the new versions of SNS Swap canister to the SNS-WASM this Friday, 2023-12-08. DFINITy plans to vote on these proposals the following Monday.

Proposals to be Submitted


## Proposal to Publish the SNS Swap Canister WASM to SNS-W
### Proposer: DFINITY Foundation
### Canister Type: swap
### Git Hash: d1315a1b9b002f177526faa5ee6d7e1e1aa3a22a
### New Wasm Hash: 1ffb5738c9c9acde14c5fd83395579665cb41829f7819acf87feb66d3c2caf4e
## Features
- Handle edge cases for Neurons' Fund maturity contribution to an SNS decentralization swap
- Improve rendering of Neurons' Fund funding in an SNS decentralization swap
- Chores such as bumping the bazel versions and rust version
## Release Notes
$ git log --format="%C(auto) %h %s" 751b2a0cf904934b4afb62b1457f6bf4f0a20275..d1315a1b9b002f177526faa5ee6d7e1e1aa3a22a --  ./rs/sns/swap
 cb97ac3ad3 Merge branch 'arshavir/nf-progress-indication-even-before-min-direct-participation' into 'master'
 935689cd66 feat(NNS1-2773): Matched Funding / Indicate progress towards Neurons' Fund participation via `swap.get_derived_state` direct participation reaches its minimum
 a163262f11 chore(release): Bump up the bazel versions for all crates as well
 830feb6580 chore: upgrade prost to 0.12 and tonic to 0.10
 f5e4a8ed8c Merge branch 'tim/bump-rust173' into 'master'
 5ae303770f chore: bump rust to 1.73
 d67ddf7f1f fix(SNS): Handle the special case in which Matched Funding was requested but the Neurons' Fund does not have any maturity
 ef5d49735f feat(NNS1-2570): Matched Funding / Neurons' Fund participation monitoring tool
## Wasm Verification
Verify that the hash of the gzipped WASM matches the proposed hash.
git fetch
git checkout d1315a1b9b002f177526faa5ee6d7e1e1aa3a22a
./gitlab-ci/container/ -c
sha256sum ./artifacts/canisters/sns-swap-canister.wasm.gz