They updated something in the docs now to fix the error with account id. But now I get a different error:
Caller '...' is not authorized to control neuron '...'.
They updated something in the docs now to fix the error with account id. But now I get a different error:
Caller '...' is not authorized to control neuron '...'.
Same here … The whole process is really frustrating.
I know this one! You need to recreate your identity on linux, repeat some steps:
dfx identity import identity-0.pem
dfx identity use
You’re right, I changed my identity in the meantime. Thanks.
How did you solve the error of “Invalid character ‘x’ at position 1””
did you manage to solve it?
I’m still stuck in two-step to claim neurons. Any one can give a reply would be appreciated.
RESULT="$(dfx canister --network= --no-wallet send --output=raw message.json)"
error: Found argument ‘–output’ which wasn’t expected, or isn’t valid in this context
Then I use:
RESULT="$(dfx canister --network= --no-wallet send message.json)"
It gives reply to send the message
Then try to decode:
didc decode -t “(Result)” -d ~/Downloads/nns-ifaces-0.8.0/genesis_token.did $RESULT
Error: Invalid character ‘x’ at position 1
How to solve it??
I think I went back and tried the claim in the one step option. I found I went back and fore a few times on many of the parts until I found a way that worked
for reference, I’ve installed findutils and changed the command from xargs to gxargs macos - Replacement for xargs -d in osx - Super User not sure the best option
This worked for me as well, just installed findutils with homebrew and used “alias xargs=gxargs”.
I’m stuck with "error_message = “Neuron xxxxx is not kyc verified.” when trying to disburse first neuron. And I have received email that my kyc is approved. Did anyone have the same issue and managed to solve it?
I don’t know where you got this command from, but it’s not from the documentation.
you should get an email confirming your kyc. does anyone knows if the disbursal for the dissolve_delay_seconds = 0 neuron is instant, or does it take some time?
It was pretty much instant for me. Make sure the result is not an error, though. Check your balance with
dfx ledger --network ic balance
I get a Request ID: response when Disburse in two steps but no funds. Also tested now with Disburse in one step while getting error_message = “Neuron xxxxx is not kyc verified.”, which i am according to the email.
Seems like you have the same problem as tavroh. Maybe dfinity messed something up with some of the KYCs? Did you use the legacy-address (not to be confused with the public key) and the principal like is written in the docs?
yes just followed the instructions, perhaps it works in some time
I mean, which address we need directly at KYC ? because there i’ve likely introduced the This is the address that will hold your dfinities when DFINITY network goes live, from the chrome extension. In any case they should have filters there the same way they have at FDC | 0x1Be116204bb55CB61c821a1C7866fA6f94b561a5
I’m seeing the same issue:
error_message = "Neuron xxxx is not kyc verified.";
I received the email saying KYC was complete over 8 hrs ago.
As far as I know that is the correct address to use for KYC.
It seems quite a few people have this KYC issue, the Dfinity team should provide some support channel for seed contributors in my opinion. To resolve this issues asap, because already they kinda screwed us over on the whole launch. It really left a bitter aftertaste, when we could instead be excited about the technology and good investment. I planned not to sell much ICP, but after this attitude I already dumped what I could and dissolved several neurons. Even if I believe in the tech.
not sure it is related but perhaps it has to do with this NNS App - Staking Neurons issue -