I got same error here.
hey, I got the error message “Error = record { error_message = “”; error_type = 6 : int32 }” during the dissolve step. Have you met this before? Anyone know how to fix this? What is error_type=6 ???
Can someone write a tutorial or record a video to explain performing various seed neuron actions with the dfx SDK since their isn’t a GUI available
I received this when trying to dissolve the first neuron whose dissolve_delay was already 0. Try dissolving a neuron with a >0 dissolve_delay
I’ve tried the claim in one step but get this error after
didc decode -t “(Result)” -d ~/Downloads/nns-ifaces-0.8.0/genesis_token.did $RESULT
(variant { Err = “Public key does not match caller” })
Maybe you used the wrong seed phrases? Just check and try again.
Oh! Thanks! So, for the first neuron we don’t need to dissolve it, just disburse it ? But when I tried to disburse the first neuron, I got this error:
xargs: illegal option – d
usage: xargs [-0opt] [-E eofstr] [-I replstr [-R replacements]] [-J replstr]
[-L number] [-n number [-x]] [-P maxprocs] [-s size]
[utility [argument …]]
I noticed the command from the tutorial do have:
"xargs -I {} -d "
Have you solved this ?
Did you figure out how to check the dissolve_delay of a neuron? Yesterday when I tried the commands in the github doc, I didn’t find it. I’m assuming the first neuron is the one with zero delay?
that worked! thanks so much
hi bro~ Did you get the “xargs: illegal option --d” error while disbursing?
Yes I have the same xargs error.
I haven’t tried dispersing yet
The example in the docs works just fine
I managed to get around the xargs issue by running the xargs part of the command on Linux. Mac xargs doesn’t support the -d option.
But in the result, I get this error:
"The recipient's subaccount is invalid due to: Received an invalid AccountIdentifier proto containing a field 'hash' of length 32 bytes instead of the expected 28.";
Anyone else had this problem?
My ACCOUNT_ID is 64 characters, and after parsing it comes to 32, so that makes sense, but I don’t know why 28 is ‘expected’.
anyone cleared this error?
I think the first neuron is already dissolved. I received an error when trying to dissolve it.
record { error_message = ""; error_type = 6 : int32 }
I received an email that my KYC is has been verified, but when I try to disburse my neuron, I get this message: error_message = “Neuron xxxxx is not kyc verified.”; Does anyone have the same issue?
Is there any documentation for these canister functions? For example “manage_neuron”? What is error_type 6 and 3?
Why does disbursing want a 28 byte account ID, when account ID is 32 bytes?
The recipient's subaccount is invalid due to: Received an invalid AccountIdentifier proto containing a field 'hash' of length 32 bytes instead of the expected 28.
Is there an easy and safe way to check if our 12 words work and how much ICP is allocated to us?
I don’t want to transact or do anything, I just want to confirm my 12 words actually work and I have the amount of ICP I recall having.
I didn’t write down the DFN address back in 2017, just my 12 words.
oh god! Thank you so much! Linux does work. But I didn’t get your error. I check that my accountID is also 64 characters. Weird… Maybe retry from the beginning?