Seed Round Access

I got same error here.

hey, I got the error message “Error = record { error_message = “”; error_type = 6 : int32 }” during the dissolve step. Have you met this before? Anyone know how to fix this? What is error_type=6 ???

Can someone write a tutorial or record a video to explain performing various seed neuron actions with the dfx SDK since their isn’t a GUI available

I received this when trying to dissolve the first neuron whose dissolve_delay was already 0. Try dissolving a neuron with a >0 dissolve_delay

I’ve tried the claim in one step but get this error after
didc decode -t “(Result)” -d ~/Downloads/nns-ifaces-0.8.0/genesis_token.did $RESULT

(variant { Err = “Public key does not match caller” })

Maybe you used the wrong seed phrases? Just check and try again.

Oh! Thanks! So, for the first neuron we don’t need to dissolve it, just disburse it ? But when I tried to disburse the first neuron, I got this error:
xargs: illegal option – d
usage: xargs [-0opt] [-E eofstr] [-I replstr [-R replacements]] [-J replstr]
[-L number] [-n number [-x]] [-P maxprocs] [-s size]
[utility [argument …]]

I noticed the command from the tutorial do have:
"xargs -I {} -d "
Have you solved this ?

Did you figure out how to check the dissolve_delay of a neuron? Yesterday when I tried the commands in the github doc, I didn’t find it. I’m assuming the first neuron is the one with zero delay?

that worked! thanks so much

hi bro~ Did you get the “xargs: illegal option --d” error while disbursing?

Yes I have the same xargs error.

I haven’t tried dispersing yet

The example in the docs works just fine

I managed to get around the xargs issue by running the xargs part of the command on Linux. Mac xargs doesn’t support the -d option.

But in the result, I get this error:

"The recipient's subaccount is invalid due to: Received an invalid AccountIdentifier proto containing a field 'hash' of length 32 bytes instead of the expected 28.";

Anyone else had this problem?
My ACCOUNT_ID is 64 characters, and after parsing it comes to 32, so that makes sense, but I don’t know why 28 is ‘expected’.

anyone cleared this error?

I think the first neuron is already dissolved. I received an error when trying to dissolve it.

 record { error_message = ""; error_type = 6 : int32 }

I received an email that my KYC is has been verified, but when I try to disburse my neuron, I get this message: error_message = “Neuron xxxxx is not kyc verified.”; Does anyone have the same issue?

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Is there any documentation for these canister functions? For example “manage_neuron”? What is error_type 6 and 3?

Why does disbursing want a 28 byte account ID, when account ID is 32 bytes?

The recipient's subaccount is invalid due to: Received an invalid AccountIdentifier proto containing a field 'hash' of length 32 bytes instead of the expected 28.
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Is there an easy and safe way to check if our 12 words work and how much ICP is allocated to us?

I don’t want to transact or do anything, I just want to confirm my 12 words actually work and I have the amount of ICP I recall having.

I didn’t write down the DFN address back in 2017, just my 12 words.

oh god! Thank you so much! Linux does work. But I didn’t get your error. I check that my accountID is also 64 characters. Weird… Maybe retry from the beginning?