Requesting Feedback for our SNS dashboard


Hey guys, I’m with PYOR and we received a grant from the foundation to build this proposal out.

Excited to share we’ve deployed our v1 of the dashboard to the IC network and would love for the community to test the dashboard out and provide any feedback.

Please note that we allocated minimum effort to the look and feel of the dashboard UI. We wanted to get the functional aspect validated and incorporate community/foundation feedback before moving on to the UI/UX.

Here are the metrics that we covered -

  1. The first metric labeled “charts” is Daily Maturity (Rewards) offered by each of the SNS dapps currently on a day-to-day basis. Since we started indexing data in Jan 2024, this will serve as “historic” data as time goes on. For the days the rewards show 0, it means that no new proposal was accepted that day.

  2. The second metric is an APY simulator where one can enter a neuron’s ID and understand the maximum APR for that neuron based on the parameters set (age, voting power, dissolve delay, etc.)

  3. The “Neuron Efficiency Calculator” is specific to the NNS. Users can enter their neuron ID to understand how efficiently they’re participating in governance (What % of their maximum rewards are they making). This takes into account their voting activity for the most recent 100 proposals along with the weight of the proposals.

  4. The Neuron Leaderboard metric is for voters who need actionable data to understand which neuron to follow for proposal voting, ensuring that they’re maximizing their rewards earned while making a prudent decision to follow the “right” neuron.

Happy to clarify any further questions or delve deeper into the methodology for each of these metrics.

Do share your feedback below so we can incorporate changes. Please note that we are parallelly working on optimizing the load times.



The APY calculator seems to be working right only for the following SNS dapps:

Hot or Not

We’re working checking the math for the other dapps.

I am tagging a few community members who may be interested in checking out the SNS dashboard tool:

@rosarp @saikatdas0790

Please feel free to send it to other community members as well.

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Cool project but looks like APY calculations for dissolving neurons are pretty erroneous:

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The calculations seem to check out only for the following dapps:

Hot or Not

We’re working on this!

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Calculations for those dapps don’t check out either when the input is a dissolving neuron:

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Is it a final version of ui/ux? Looks like a rough draft

Thank you for pointing this out! Looking into it.

Yeah, we allocated minimum effort to the look and feel of the dashboard UI. We wanted to get the functional aspect validated and incorporate community/foundation feedback before moving on to the UI/UX.