Request for Cycles Faucet Coupon Code for Testing Purposes

Hi team,

I am currently a developer working on testing and exploring the Internet Computer ecosystem for learning and development purposes. I would like to request a Cycles Faucet coupon code to help me deploy and test my canisters effectively during this phase.

This would be purely for development and experimentation purposes, and I greatly appreciate your support!

Thank you in advance, and I look forward to contributing to the community.

Best regards
Discord ID: rickenxmas

Hi @zijianyue,

we are no longer handing out free Cycles Coupons to the general public as of now. Free coupons are still handed out to specific audiences such as hackathon participants and grantees.

It is not necessary to acquire Cycles in order to develop locally or on a provided sandbox environment. There are various options:

  1. Using ICP Ninja
  2. Using the Playground
  3. Using dfx with a local replica (which is the default)

All of these options do not require you to have Cycles.

However, if you still aim to deploy to IC mainnet (which is great :slight_smile: ), you can obtain Cycles by converting ICP into Cycles, see Using tokens and cycles | Internet Computer.