Remove hotkey from non-owned neuron

My hotkey has been added to several neurons that I do not control. Is there a way to do a “logout of all devices” style removal of a specific hotkey?

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There isn’t currently this ability, for a hotkey to remove itself from a neuron it is the hotkey of, but I am discussing with the team if there is any reason this shouldn’t be possible.

I made a draft PR, and it seems to work: feat(nns): hotkey can remove itself from a neuron by max-dfinity · Pull Request #1489 · dfinity/ic · GitHub

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Am I able to test this out with my hotkey somehow?

Hi @Kick1776 - Is your hotkey principal an II identity, or something you can control from DFX?

We didn’t yet merge the change, because it looks like it would require front-end changes, as in the normal case hotkeys are internet identities and not keys you can control from dfx. There isn’t currently time to support all the FE changes, which would be required to prevent users from accidentally removing their hotkeys from their neurons.