Proposal to create an SNS DAO for SNEED

What a bunch of nothingness…
Two proposals:

  • NO meme tokens on SNS
  • KYC needed for the any SNS proposal for the whole team (just in case we need to take legal action)

LOL another fake account joined 9 min ago just to harass @gatsby_esp.

@gatsby_esp thank you for joining this conversation. Your comments are noticed and appreciated by many. I agree with much of what you have said here and believe that it adds very important perspective to the discussion of what kinds of projects should make it through the SNS process.

Let me rephrase that, because my post was flagged and deleted. The above post is an humoristic and sarcastic attempt to shine light on a different perspective on the demands of ser gatsby the most honored Roland Berger consultant.

Express your opinions, and dont try to swing weight behind it pretending you’re someone important over a non-kyc message board. It just rubs off the wrong way don’t you think?

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It’s not about the world ending. It’s about the long term success of the IC and the credibility of the usefulness of the SNS infrastructure within the IC. Also, to my knowledge BOOM DAO (one of the few) did what they said they would do with their treasury and did not act out of accordance with it’s whitepaper. I would’ve liked this to have come about differently however. I don’t think that KYC is necessary to the degree we have to see photo IDs of people and such. I think there should be a combination of aspects similar to what is required for Node Providers and Known Neurons. SNS is for a product/service and we need to know that it can be delivered on and that there are people qualified in skill to make what is needed happen. While SNEED is proposing a unique community driven application there is no way to test it other than to put it place. There is nothing else that we can use as a benchmark for how it might go. Perhaps, the original SNS-1 is an idea of what could be but that doesn’t mean that it is fully applicable here. I also wasn’t in the IC when the SNS-1 was created so I can’t say 100% if it is or isn’t a good benchmark.


Think about it-

What’s all the use of this amazing alien tech if the accessibility level is too high?

DAO’S on the IC are worked into the fabric to be easily accessible and many tools are built to nurture and help them grow like seeds into beautiful flowers.

Likeminded people can rally together, have empowerment using the tools of openchat, catalyze etc - and BUIDL together.

Stomping down on the likes of GHOST because they were able to rally into something special is very, very bearish for the future of the IC.

Because by doing so, you are stomping down on your main userbase and usecase.

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There is nothing funny about what you are doing. You created a fake account to respond to @gatsby_esp instead of using your public identity. If you want to shine light on a different perspective, then you can do it in an intellectually honest way that doesn’t violate the rules of the forum and you don’t need to impersonate someone else.

What rubs the wrong way is your impersonation of someone else with a fake account that you probably don’t mind if it gets banned. It’s a cowardly act. If you have something to say, then stand up and say it with whatever public identity you normally use.

This entire comment is a great example of an intellectually honest contribution to this conversation. Why can’t you do that with your normal public identity? You are clearly an active member of the ICP community and have some useful things to say. Why do you feel the need to do it with this new account that assumes someone else’s identity?

Fair enough @NotRB. Thanks for changing your name at least…

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I believe my opinion has been expressed perfectly and in more obvious ways than solely a long winded response.

Certainly many people found it comedic, yet the point driven home.

Sometimes other forms of expression are necessary that can dig deeper than just words.

I see you are leaning on the forum guidelines and I respect that, because the discussion could easily get out of hand.

Nevertheless, I will abide by the forum rules.


I see where you’re coming from.

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I don’t mind KYC if it was perfect, but it’s not.
You can check here
The KYC data ends up somewhere and then it gets hacked and your info is packed in a db posted on the dark web for someone to buy.

Just a few honorable mentions.

Someone buying these databases can make the connection between all accounts, IPs, home addresses, KYC data, and so on.


why is this possibly hidden? you’ve got to be kidding me lol.


… I feel need for SNEED …


I personally think it’s an idea for the future when more trust can be had.

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dragging or dragginz?

This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 12 hours.

Thank you everyone for the lively discussion and valuable feedback.

One concern that has been brought to our attention is that the maximum sale amount should be increased from 20,000 ICP to 30,000 ICP in order to protect early buyers.

We want to invite further input on this topic, and any other details in general, but also want to remind everyone to please keep it civil. We respect everyone’s opinions!


The sneed developers are very sincere and transparent. I am an early participant of sneed, and I have witnessed the process of community self-initiated discussion and purchase of sneed. I highly appreciate the innovation of sneed’s economic model. Sneed has inadvertently hedged against the high inflation of ICP in eight years, and as the burning intensifies, sneed will become as precious and rare as NFTs. With the establishment of such a SNS DAO, who can be sure that sneed will not create a great community and products like MKR in the future?

I wish sneed can be launched on SNS ASAP, and realize the automation of canister, LP, and staking ASAP, and achieve more innovation through governance.

Hope all sneed holders can fly to the MOON.


Can you do 10000-50000? It’s nice to make a humble offering, but won’t be nice if everything is sold out early, but will be nice when those who miss out spill over to the open marketplace.