Now that Staking is fixed, can someone please help in adding more ICP to my neuron ID?

Hey mate I raise a ticket for my neuron refresh, is support under the pump at the moment? When could I expect a response do you think?

Hi @wyz. Our friend @Jello also provided the link to support at You then select “submit a request” in the upper right corner of the page.

I don’t know what info support needs to notify the governance canister of the incoming transfer, so what I submitted in the support ticket was my NNS account address the transfer came from (Account page), the neuron address the transfer was sent to (from transaction history page as you have shown in red), and the neuron account number (Neuron page).

As with @Jello, I have not heard anything back from support and my 0.1 ICP transfer has not shown up in my neuron yet as displayed on the NNS app. Hopefully support will get to it sometime today. That said, I did check my neuron wallet transactions on and the 0.1 ICP transfer does show up. Hence, the ICP is not lost…the governance canister just doesn’t know about it. This might also mean that it may not be receiving staking rewards until the governance canister is notified.


Let’s hope support pick up the pace. We all want the project to get over these cosmetic problems so we get on with the real vision.


Any update here? Have people heared back from support and gotten their neurons updated?

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Still waiting unfortunately obviously support aren’t ready yet. Hopefully they pick up their game soon.

I see the conflict:

  1. support are spending time helping people deploy their ideas on ICP
  2. support don’t have time to help the investment/finance side of the model.

Hopefully this gets balanced soon.


I have not heard back from support yet either. I’m waiting to stake more ICP until this issue is resolved, so really interested in seeing it resolved soon. It seems like this is fundamental to the ICP governance tokenomics and should have a higher priority. It’s not even identified as a known issue.


Hello. I was wondering if you were still working on a command that we could use to refresh our staked neurons; do you still need someone to provide you with a Prin-ID and Neuron address to use?

I actually DMed him mine but no response so far.

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ok, i was wondering if anyone did, thanks!

Sorry for being slow to get back to you on this!

Try this command -
dfx canister --network=mercury --no-wallet call governance claim_or_refresh_neuron_from_account ‘(record {controller=principal “your principal Id”; memo=your memo})’

Alternatively you can paste your principal and then either your account identifier or the memo from your stake neuron transaction (I can find the memo form the account identifier via this page and I can run the command for you since I think running it may require that you have access to the governance canister candid file.

That goes out to anyone who wants to refresh their neuron stake. Simply send me your details and I’ll run the command to refresh the stake.


Thank you for the response and for offering to help. I am curious if I can get this to run myself. If not then I will definitely DM you my neuron info.

So I tried running the command you provided and it responded with:


So i set --network=ic and ran it again. This time I got the following error:

"The Replica returned an error: code 5, message: “Canister rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai trapped explicitly: Panicked at ‘Deserialization Failed: “Deserialize error: Type mismatch. Type on the wire: Int; Expected type: Nat64”’, /builds/dfinity-lab-dfinity/rs/rust_canisters/dfn_core/src/”

I have a feeling this is a problem with the way I passed the memo or principal ID. I pasted the principal Id exactly as it is displayed on the Neuron tab, quotes included. The memo was just a large number. Was I supposed to put something around the memo ID?

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Here’s one I did that worked -
dfx canister --network=mercury --no-wallet call governance claim_or_refresh_neuron_from_account ‘(record {controller=principal “bmgju-swk3a-vmjqt-d5f2n-zouhf-b2obh-4wyx2-yozlx-ykgsf-qt2ch-nqe”; memo=11815817180990677432})’


Thank you again!

So I got the command to work but I had to add “:nat64” to the end of my memo id.

I checked my neuron and it did update everything.

Thank you so much for the help!


@hpeebles thanks for all the help with running the refresh command. I closed my ticket I will need to learn how to run these commands for the future.


He has now responded and he has refreshed my neuron. He said he had been swamped with work.

I’m not sure if I should know this already, but it’s something I haven’t taken the time to learn about IC yet…where are the private keys? Are any of the principal ID, the neuron number, the neuron crypto address, or the memo considered the private keys for ICP? Are the private keys handled transparently behind the scenes via a handshake with our Internet Identity such that they are never exposed? Are there any private keys at all? My apologies if this is a dumb question.

Also, to run your command line on my computer, will I need to install the DFINITY Canister Software Development Kit (SDK)?


I wanna know where you got your ICP, just bought from coin market like Coinbase?

Yes it’s on all major exchanges like binance, coinbase …

How practical is it for the team to give airdrop recipients the option to either keep receiving their tokens monthly or stake them in a neuron? Perhaps ask us to create a neuron and then Coinlist dumps the remaining tokens there for us.

I think the team should consider that, it’ll give us the option of participating in governance & get rewards during the 1 year wait.

In case this is not your area, who should I be talking to about this?



What he said​:point_up:t2: Happy to have mine dropped in my 8 year locked Neuron. I am in it for the long haul anyway​:gem::raised_hands:t2:

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