Network for local deployment

Hi there

What is the equivalent of the for local internet computer replica.

Thank you

Hi @gladguy
Are you thinking of the status website, or making a local replica of the IC?

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@CarstenJ is there any way to setup a local network of ICP? If so, could you provide some details about that?

  • How many subnet for minimum requirements? (Currently I know 1 for NNs subnet)
  • What the minimum number of node for each subnet?
  • What the minimum hardward requirement for each node?

Thank you in advance.

For most of your development needs, dfx start is enough. It spins up a 1-node subnet on which you can deploy your code and test it out.

I don’t know the minimum hardware reqs, but I haven’t heard of anyone running into not-good-enough hardware problems with dfx start.