Merge Neurons Error

I am trying to merge two neurons together but I get this error:

Sorry, there was an error. Please try again. ManageNeuron following of source and target does not match

I cannot see any other person reporting this issue.

Any help would be great, thank you

Please message me here if you are genuinely trying to help me otherwise I’ll assuming your DM because you’re trying to scam me. Thank you

Based on the error text it sounds like you need to modify the follower configurations so the neurons you are trying to merge aren’t following each other.

Hi Ang, I’ve made sure that I’m following the same on both neurones.

Hi @petevo425 ,

this error indicates that the two neurons have different following settings for the NeuronManagement topic. This is a rather special topic that allows neurons (their voting, settings etc) to be managed via following. Because most of the neurons don’t ever use this topic, it is not displayed on the NNS dapp for neurons by default. It is only shown for neurons that already have following for this topic set.

Do you have both of your neurons in the NNS dapp?
Maybe you could go to each of the neuron’s following page and share a screenshot of what you see so we can make sure that there is indeed a match?

Thank you, that worked.
Both neurons are on the NNS dapps, they were setup soon after launch.
Though both had the same followers on each topic, I unfollowed everyone on the Manage Neurons on both and tried again and it merged without any issues.

Thanks for looking into this!

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Great, happy to hear this worked!