Lost access to NNS dapp account

I don’t recall seeing hyphen separated words. I thought they were separated by spaces ; at least in June, 2021.

Edit: They were(are?) space separated. I used this tool (GitHub - icdev2dev/bachao: Social Recovery of Internet Identity) to generate threshold signatures. The screen-shot images in that tool are also space separated.

Same here. My seed phrase contains English words with spaces separating them. But OP should try both hyphen and space and see if that makes a difference.

@Ang can we please confirm whether this seed phrase is space separated.

Some of us have disaster recovery protocols that are run every six months. We CANNOT be changing spaces to hyphens willy-nilly. This causes an enormously expensive and extensive DR nightmare!

Edit: just verified. It is space separated even generating new recovery seed phrase!

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Thanks everyone for your input. After several attempts I managed to make it work on one of my PCs at home :tada::blush: I still don’t quite understand what the problem was. It’s still not working on my phone so am going to try resolve that


It would be very useful to know how you were able to make it work on your other PCs? Did you use of recovery seed phrase?

It would also be useful to know what (if any) errors were shown in the console on your devices that didn’t work. Might help other people in the future (e.g. system clock issues, cookies issues, browser issues, etc)

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I have the same issue with my Google Chrome Browser. So what to do?

I first created my Identity using fingerprint on Macbook + Google Chrome. Now I the NNS Dapps asks me to identify myself using USB security key. I don’t know what to do. Do I lost my wallet in NNS?

No you didn’t, don’t worry. Have you tried all of what was suggested above?

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That exact thing happened to my yesterday also and restarting my mac solved the issue

So you can still use the fingerprint as normal? @coin_master

Oh thank you guys, the problem solved. I just need to restart my Macbook, it’s weird. Now I can use my fingerprint to access NNS.

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Yes, I was holding my breath tho :smile:
Other things noted:

I could still login with my iphone.
My recovery device ‘a trezor device’ worked.

Guys, anyone reading this chat, I can’t emphasize this enough:

Add More Devices!

You can add an old iPad, your mom’s iPhone, your iPhone, MacBook, Windows Hello, anything. Especially if you have ICP on your Internet Identity. Once you have a certain amount it’s even worth buying a Yubikey. And save your seed phrase really well.

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Hey everyone, I have encountered the same issue on my iPhone (lost access) luckily I have an iPad as a second device, everything works fine. The but is I cannot add a new device I’m using the correct II naming the new (old) device but getting ‘error adding new device’ message. Error details are … operation time out. Can anyone help ? Am I doing something incorrectly ?

Hey anyone can help ??

I’m typing my 24 seeds but saying invalid checked several times already, need support knidly help

Hey Sire, My ICP Account was logged into my android Device via Google Chrome browser, My device got burnt, Lost the motherboard so was the device,.

I have my seeds,
But trying to login in to my existing account, its saying invalid seeds, type it correctly,.

I Checked 10 times my seeds, and after trying to Login into it, Still the same error,.

Also checked all that needs to be checked, like the spaces, b4 and after, The number to begin with,

Need help, kindly reply ,

Can maybe @Ang recent answer about a similar question help? Failed to authenticate using this seed phrase - #4 by AA_DIFINITY