Give Censorship to the Discussion Creator

Post deleted by author

The thing about being the bigger person in the room is you have to see beyond the horizon :dizzy:

Belittling human moderators is not being logical. What would you do in the future if the forum is trained on AI and you have an algorithm modulating conversations. I’d suggest you take a break from the forum and come back when you are ready to treat people with respect. They are the best you will ever get and their skills should not be casually attacked on the premise that they are unfit for their work.

*your - You’re is an abbreviation of “you are”, which doesn’t make grammatical sense here unfortunately.


You promise???..:slight_smile:


Bye bye, you won’t be missed :wave::joy:


i bought it all already


I would like to thank you all for making my point.


So that is how it is done, add a little fuel and let the unhelpful fully display their intelligence for all to see.

They do believe that what comes from their mouths is important but as a group of hand puppets you see it just a waste of time.

This discussion is at an end.

I would suggest that all hand puppets should give their apologies and show some respect.

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Maybe go away back to 4chan, regroup, and do your research about the Internet Computer

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See I added a bit more fuel and you could not resist.

I did not read anything that was written here this morning.

This post was just to show the growing problem of hand puppets.

All hand puppets, you have been dismissed

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No I just want to make sure this vomitous tripe isn’t left up on the forum without being debunked.

Literally have open in a tab, bring it

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I must say, it is a pleasure to be here. I’m learning so much. From peanut gallery to hand puppets… solid gold, bravo.

EDIT: best i could do at short notice

Have you joined the draggin discord yet? :dragon_face:

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At the start of the discussion I wrote like I was a timid nerd with, Thank you for creating your site on the IC.

This is where bullies like to pick on the weak.

You proved my point.

I got up this morning and I found after scrolling to the bottom, without reading your writings, I’m so f high at the moment, was enough for me as I don’t like unhelpful information get into my brain, in public I would put my fingers in my ears and sign bla bla bla I can’t hear you.

Here on the discussion I just wait till it all turns south for you.

What I don’t like are those who respond to the unhelpful as a dirty mouth is always unpleasant and deters comments which is the same as the hand puppets behavior that in the end the discussion becomes centralized.


Yet you are still here talking about centralisation, making sure that every thread is poisoned with your narrative

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I complained about the same thing how is it a decentralized platform that censored… Someone please make this make sense… Might as well just stay where I’m at on web 2

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‘Decentralization’ on its own doesn’t mean very much. It works better as an adjective. Cryptos work because they have a decentralized ledger. Decentralized social media platforms either run using a ledger to track the messages, or do something more radical, but each one is pretty unique. This forum doesn’t really claim to be decentralized, but I could be wrong on that.

Censorship discussions fit more with the free speech debate, rather than decentralization. It is a bit confusing (to me, anyway) to mix these things up.

My point of view is that it should be possible to block things so that I don’t need to look at them, but it doesn’t block it from other people. This way, I don’t need to see all the noise that isn’t interesting to me, but I am not limiting anyone else.


You are :100: percent on point… I said the same thing a few blocked post back… All they need is a hide comment button rather than this flag BS… It reminds me of # craigslist back in the day… Anyone can flag you because they don’t agree with you… When I think of decentralized I think of censorship also… The point for me is not having the master hanging over your head watching, reading, interacting and censoring your content… At my platform #channels you can say and do whatever you like and if the person don’t like it you can unfriend them or you can hide their comments and keep it moving. Unfortunately I can’t put my link up because it will definitely get flagged which I’m sure this comment would too.

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