Failed to create dns record during custom domain setup

Issue with Custom Domain Registration for Deployed Canister

I’m trying to use my custom domain for my deployed Internet Computer canister, following the official manual.

It seems like I have all the required DNS records correctly set:

dig CNAME <MY_DOMAIN> +short

dig CNAME _acme-challenge.<MY_DOMAIN> +short

dig TXT _canister-id.<MY_DOMAIN> +short

Then, I proceed with registering my domain:

curl -sL -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
  --data @- <<EOF
  "name": "<MY_DOMAIN>"

After receiving the REQUEST_ID, I check the status:

curl -sL -X GET

However, I get the following error:

  "name": "<MY_DOMAIN>",
  "canister": "63omj-5yaaa-aaaag-at27a-cai",
  "state": { "Failed": "failed to create dns record" }

Additional Details

  • I have added my domain to the .well-known directory as specified in the manual.
  • I am using a CNAME instead of an ALIAS because, for some reason, ALIAS does not update correctly. When I run dig ALIAS <MY_DOMAIN>, I get random IP addresses, so I decided to switch to CNAME instead.

Any help or insights would be greatly appreciated

Related thread with same/similar issue: I cannot set a custom domain - #10 by jamesbeadle

Probably a more knowledgeable colleague on this topic will respond on Monday :smiley:

This issue was resolved by Dfinity team. Thank you.