Custom domain registration error

I’m trying to get a custom domain working, and I run into an issue when I try to register the domain with the curl POST request. I get this error message:

missing dns cname record from to

I have followed the example in the documentation, and I believe everything should be setup correctly. The only thing I have noticed is, that the error message adds a “.” at the end of which my DNS won’t allow me to do.

I use Namecheap for my domain/DNS if that makes a difference.

Hey @Carsten,

If you share your domain with me (also via DM), I can check what is going on.

Otherwise, you can simply run this command and replace $CUSTOM_DOMAIN with your domain:

dig CNAME _acme-challenge.$CUSTOM_DOMAIN +short

And the output should look like:


If that is not the case, then, you need to change your DNS configuration.

Hey @rbirkner,

I’m not getting a response from the dig command, so I guess the issue is with my DNS.

The two domains I’m trying to setup are and


I figured out what the issue was. My DNS service was automatically adding the domain name to the CNAME records, so when I used _acme-challenge.$CUSTOM_DOMAIN then it was actually stored as _acme-challenge.$CUSTOM_DOMAIN.$CUSTOM_DOMAIN.

Using the dig command really helped me debug, so thanks for the advise!


Unfortunately, I am getting the same issue. When I try adding the CNAME record, this is the error I am getting

When I try running the command dig CNAME +short from my terminal I am not getting any response.

How do I solve this?

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Hey @Stephen-Kimoi

Unfortunately, I can’t help you with that. It looks like there is something wrong in your DNS configuration or your registrar has some bug. This is something to take up with them.

Thanks for your quick response. I was able to sort the error. It seems I had inserted the TXT record before the CNAME record, which was bringing the error.


Same issue here with, I’ve tried everything but dig CNAME _acme-challenge.MY_CUSTOM_DOMAIN_HERE_DOT_COM +short always gives an empty answer

Is there some delay between you update the records and they are visible via dig?
if I remove +short I see the correct value in the output

Hey @let4be

Can you please be more specific and I can help you register your custom domain.

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um, I think it was the caching. because after waiting for a while and invoking registration again, it just passes without the errors.
namecheap takes a while to propogate CNAME records

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Glad to hear that it worked out in the end!

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I’m getting an error while trying to register a custom domain.

I’ve followed all the steps listed in Using custom domains | Internet Computer, but after executing this command:

curl -sL -X POST \                          
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
    --data @- <<EOF
    "name": "<my-custom-domain>"

I get this very little explanatory error:


@rbirkner do you have an idea of what’s happening here? I’ve already tried multiple times in the last hour.

Hey @ilbert, sorry for the issues you are experiencing. I think it is related to the overloaded subnets. The canister backing custom domains resides in the opn46 subnet.

I will try to set a compute allocation and hopefully that makes things better.

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I tried again and it worked!

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I just set the computer allocation :wink:

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@rbirkner someone just reported the same issue trying to register a custom domain through Juno. Is the issue suppose to be fully resolved or it depends of the subnet load?

The dev retried and I also issued the POST command but the state remains stuck in PendingOrder.

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Sorry, I just got around to it now. Is it still stuck? If so, could you please provide more details (also in DM if you want), so I can take a look.

It’s still stuck. I send you a PM.

Hi @rbirkner, it seems that our domain ( is stuck in PendingOrder. Could you please check? Thanks.