I cannot set a custom domain

I am trying to set www.zoncircle.com to point to smod7-7yaaa-aaaak-qinoq-cai frontend of my app.

It seems I did everything described in Using custom domains | Internet Computer but:

$ curl -sL -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' https://icp0.io/registrations --data @- <<EOF
    "name": "www.zoncircle.com"
$ curl -sL -X GET     https://icp0.io/registrations/7648d486e9135c3d6c1d344ecb8a4285d6d9189cba921f1fda1aa03acf57a07f ;echo
{"name":"www.zoncircle.com","canister":"smod7-7yaaa-aaaak-qinoq-cai","state":{"Failed":"failed to create dns record"}}

What is my error?

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I have the same error.
Somebody please help.

Just forwarded to the team for visibility.

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Hello everyone,

Sorry for the problems! We have identified the issue and are working on resolving it. Hopefully, it should be working again in a couple of days.

I also encountered the same problem when I was helping my friends in the ecosystem to deploy. I hope it can be solved soon. :pray:

The deployment was normal before, and it was also normal to access it through canister_id plus the domain name of icp0.io.
The request_id is returned normally when registering the domain name in the boundary nodes. But when using this request_id to query the registration status, it always returns “failed to create dns record”.

I don’t know if this is related to the number of boundary nodes and the overall service performance, because it’s not just this problem. I also encountered node congestion when deploying a few days ago.

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I don’t know if it is me or something else, but now, when I try executing

curl -sL -X POST \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    https://icp0.io/registrations \
    --data @- <<EOF
    "name": "CUSTOM_DOMAIN"

I get an error

Failed to parse the request body as JSON: key must be a string at line 1 column 2

So there is no way for me to even fetch my request id.

Obviously, you made a typo. The json content is wrong…
If you can’t tell, there may be special characters or something.

Hello everyone!

I am happy to report that the custom domain service has been restored. Registrations work again. Registrations that have been submitted before the fix will be retried every few minutes and should go through soon. I am very sorry for the inconveniences caused!


There seems to be an issue in the docs page. When you click on the copy link of a code box, some of the whitespaces, are actually U+40, so called “no break” spaces. This is a bug of the website and I will forward it to the corresponding team.

You can verify it yourself by pasting it, for example, on this website and examining it.

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Good morning,

I have an error registering a custom domain

It says:
failed to create dns record

This is not one of the errors listed in the docs:

Any help appreciated.

Same error. Which hosting service you using?
Do you have all fields set up correctly when you fetching them like this?

dig CNAME _acme-challenge.<YOUR_DOMAIN> +short

I’m using namecheap, I have quite a few domains hooked up there and never had this error before.

Hi Alex,

This was the response from running your command:

Here is my DNS:

Kind regards,

Same error.

Let me ping the BN team.


Shouldn’t you use <your_domain>.icp1.io in the ALIAS record value according to the manual? Or this is also the correct option?

Also could you please check output of the following command?

dig ALIAS <your_domain> +short


Apologies I was just copying what I’ve done for like 10 other domains:

Sorry ha, wrong output

james@Jamess-MacBook-Pro JeffBets % dig ALIAS jeffbets.com +short

I have the same problem with the alias, just 4 random IPs… Very strange
Maybe it takes time for NameCheap to update the Alias, but I’ve been waiting almost whole day…

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I would wait until the BN team responds. I forwarded the info. From my experience, the more you hack around DNS without exactly knowing where the issue lies, the worse it gets. Just wait for feedback.

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Hello everyone,

Sorry for the issues! It was a problem on our end and is fixed now. Since the service retries several times, @jamesbeadle your registration went through now after the fix.

@AlexEmets please check again the status of the registration. If didn’t go through (i.e., status is available), let me know.

Quick explanation what happened: Cloudflare (provider that we use for the DNS-01 ACME challenge of let’s encrypt) deprecated some fields in their API, but did not update their rust library accordingly. Hence, the library started failing to interact with the Cloudflare API. We created a manual patch and everything is working again.